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Ronin 09

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Everything posted by Ronin 09

  1. someone still got the mobile #?? spam anyone? lol
  2. drew did i ever send you those pics from when we met at maser day winton 2005 lol
  3. yeh did you drive like a fag again today Baron Von Trapp?
  4. Dan - no won't fit unless you convert to pull type. Don't ask me how or what parts but I think ORC or OSGiken have a kit. R33GTR Pull clutch R33GTS-t Push clutch
  5. fell off the back of a truck. cheap cheap.
  6. horizontal mount with 90 degree (high pressure) ducting from the front bar, with neg. pressure of air under car drawing air out of cooler? or out back near the diff?
  7. noone - how low is yours??? it's not clear in my pic above, but the tow hook is directly in front of the filter, so if you smack that on a ripple you've got bigger issues...
  8. too bad you put your mobile number in here hey? spam anyone??
  9. yep drew's car animal cage
  10. you got htat from andrew, correct? an asian dude? that's a good car
  11. did someone say brown davis??? :sorcerer:
  12. someone take the front camber kit!!!
  13. crappest pic ever but my remote filter is on the front of the cross member... awesome for access to change the oil... probably not so good for something ripping it off. but if something rips it off, say goodbye to the front bar, lower lip, intercooler too!
  14. thoughts on diff oil Castrol SAF-XA 75/140?
  15. I use: Engine: Castrol Edge 10/60 Front diff: Castrol SAF-XA 75/140 Rear diff: Castrol SAF-XA 75/140 Transfer case: Castrol Transmax Z ATF Gearbox: Castrol Syntrax 75/90 Brakes: Castrol SRF Clutch: Castrol SRF Power steer (HICAS): Dexron III (generic) ATF Attessa: Dexron III (generic) ATF
  16. noone - i reckon where I've got mine is your best bet. That way a bit of bent aluminium shrouding can duct directly to the front bar inlet. Also there is no other cooling or obstructions around there. h2k - that's not so good as you've already passed air through the intercooler (slowing airflow, and heating the air), then partially through the oil cooler (remember air velocity is now reduced) and then through the radiator (if it goes through it at all). remember what i said earlier that if you don't have exit vents, or enough airspace behind the cooler (be it intercooler, oil, or radiator) it will do NOTHING to cool the face of the cooler. Think of the practical example - if you open up the window of your room, and shut all other doors, there is fark all air flow as it doesn't have anywhere to exit. If you open the door the air will travel in the window and out the door, i.e. the path of least resistance. You MUST allow the air to escape once it has passed through the core. hope that helps
  17. stav is farkin expensive (unless you get the 2nd hander demos) i can sell you my antique cdj100s lol
  18. oh crap i think that is the brake master seal kit... sorry...
  19. don't worry mate. that's nothing a good dose of "harden the fcuk up" won't fix lol
  20. you think it makes a difference? hah! unless you have a stripped out racer with lightweight rims, alloy hat rotors, etc etc, the "lighter" nuts mean precisely..... DICK. Plus the centrifugal force is fark all as they are so close to the centre of rotation. kindly deposit the $140 to my account also.
  21. If it's only an exhaust noise test - then an authorised exhaust shop can do the noise test. They don't care about all the other mods, just that it is under the legal limit. If it's a full blown EPA test - wrong info. EPA are interested in all things that may affect emissions - cams, turbos, intercoolers, pods, afms, computers etc etc. so you can't just rock up with a FOT and a factory exhaust and it'll pass. Factory everything (except one intake mod) is the order of the day. Good luck if this is the case. Vicroads wouldn't know their a$$hole from their earhole. No good asking them if it's "legal" to mod it. Read the legislation and interpretive explanations (and guidelines) - that's the law and it can't be changed. Don't ring em and ask them - the person on the other end of the phone doesn't care or know. Also, an approved Vehicle Engineer still won't approve something that in their opinion is not safe - eg cutting the front reo to fit a FMIC. Note to all - check all state legislation before modifying, at least know what you are getting yourself into.
  22. ash, why didn't you like the short shifter? dan, they will only be worse on the box if you bang it in all the time... I had one on my BMW and it, along with the Momo Corse, were the best mods ever (that includes a built motor for it!)
  23. here's mine note you have to lose the airbox resonnator (that is if you are running a stock airbox like me)
  24. PM "KLR32" he has a wreck with both windows intact i think
  25. sent you a PM Chris... is Styln the way to go in Melb?
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