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Ronin 09

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Everything posted by Ronin 09

  1. Ronin 09

    Deca Review

    why is bris a turtle in this pic?? fark why wont this work?? 3 rows from the bottom, one in from the right
  2. PS should have gone to DECA instead, pussy!!
  3. that's better than it sounded...
  4. hang on a sec are we talking about the same thing?? I'm talking about the set of 4 locking nuts that come with a key to stop theft. if you're talking about all the bolts that hold a wheel on - what is wrong with the factroy nissan ones??
  5. every part in the drivetrain. the impact shock loads are enormous!!
  6. "6" sounds like "roads" "1" sounds like "definitely" "8" sounds like "make money" "2" sounds like "easy" so chinese like the combination of 168 so all roads lead to money
  7. you have got to be kidding me - that's not true at all. the ones you get from tyre power are just fine. the bolts only locate the wheel onto the hub. the hub is where all the load on the wheel goes NOT the wheel nuts, not the wheel studs. the Rays ones are light, but i'm sure you can find a better place to lighten your wallet!!! oh and any wheel thief can take the wheel regardless of what type of locker you have. all it takes is a chisel and hammer. save yourself the $140 change, or give it to me and I'll spend it.
  8. I believe you can... Beer Baron might have the part number... Try this one 46011-30P29 Piston Kit (master cylinder)
  9. there's a fella in my street that has "3" nice.
  10. just FYI they're GTSt calipers not GTR as listed. cheers
  11. thanks lads a new slave and master went on Friday and solved our problems... don't know which was the culprit, but it's sorted and bled up properly now
  12. Ronin 09

    Deca Review

    Is doughboy back north yet?? sorry i missed you mate
  13. titanium exhaust will help raise the pitch - makes it more tinny
  14. i would have bought these both off you if I'd know earlier. a few months back i bought a 8" front kit for $120 have you put it on www.farkin.net yet? cheers mate
  15. bring this car to melb so i can check it out properly!!!
  16. must have read it wrong tehy say taht we raed olny the fsrit and lsat lteter of a wrod and can dcepiehr wthaveer it is mneat to say. maybe ONPROL or ONPARL no vic places are 7 characters
  17. GOI it's not on your car. there's nothing "OFNSV" about it lol
  18. I just ordered all my new nissan badges from.... Nissan!
  19. thanks mate it gets a bit exxy if I want to get the iPod control, might pass on it for the time being. g/luck free bump!
  20. are you trying to hurt my feelings? I should rephrase - rev210, cams aren't necessary at 350kw, but can help
  21. yep thanks we have bled the master first... new slave going on today!
  22. It's got a braided clutch line on it already. Didn't have a twin in it before, but Troy put in the twin so can't comment on the height of the surface where the thrust bearing contacts with the pressure plate... Manwhore, it was bone dry before we started bleeding it - has been sitting around without fluids for a while. My money is still on the slave - a brand spanker is going on today. Possibly the slave seals have shrunk back a bit and are now leaking. pumping the pedal - it doesn't go back to normal - you're asking me to do that to see if we still have are in the lines? cheers
  23. wtf you smoking tekin? I am simply saying that the turbos off is the easiest way.
  24. yeah but then you have to drop it off to a depot... I is lazy lol
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