So I bought a couple of RB's recently. First I bought one, which turned out to be in a worse state than I anticipated. I contacted the seller, and he had another RB20 which he called a "stroker". He kindly GAVE me this engine as well, so now I have two for the cheap price of one!
The "stroker" engine is now opened for inspection, and what I found was 83mm forged pistons, stock crank and rods. An engine calculator translated this to 2,26L of displacement.
The head featured what I think is Tomei cams with adjustable Tomei pulleys. The cams are stamped "64 - 8.5" at the rear ends, and they both have a white T written on them. I believe this means they are 264's with 8.5mm lift. Can anyone verify this?
The big bore engine also came with a HKS dual plate clutch. The other one came with a single plate ACT clutch. Which one should I use on my engine? The car is a street car and I want a clutch that is not too harsh.
As for the power output I am hoping to be able to run around 300rwkw, but in the start I will use the stock RB25 turbo that came with the other engine.
I also wonder where I can find an 83mm bore MLS head gasket for my engine?
As for engine management system, I have a cheap AEM Series 2 PnP ECU on hand. Is this a good choice?
And oh, the engine is going into my 1970 Datsun 240Z, along with a stock RB20 tranny.
There will probably be more questions later, so I thought it was a good idea to collect them all in this thread
Best regards,