Hello all sau community, unfortunately I’m writing this here today for a rookie mistake I have done. Or so atleast i think.
I was adjusting my Cam timing , as I was turning the Cam gears I noticed a sound (that I know now is where I f’d up) and didn’t think too much since this was my first time. Anywho got both cams set on the timing marks and went to go check on the valves. I found metal shavings and this is when I realized what I had done smfh.
I then proceeded to take off the head to see if any pistons or valves where damaged from underneath and nope. All pistons had no scuffs and valves where good besides the shavings on the inlet ports.
I clean the shavings out but should I consider this a damaged valve or should I be good to put it all back together?
thank you guys, I’m gonna get some heat but hey it’s for the best haha