Lets have a Stagea only day
To give people enough time to arrange days off etc I will move the date out.
Hope the date does not clash with other events.
Date : Sunday the 28th November
Time : Meet 9.00am, leave 9.15am sharp
Start : Springwood Shopping centre. Mc'Donalds's carpark on the eastern side off highway. Opposite A-mart (old Ikea building)
Finish : Surf club Bribie Island approx 12.00-12.30 for lunch and optional swim (kids)
Pitstop and pickup at Nudgee Shell on gateway at approx 9.45 and leave 10.00am
Route : Up gateway over bridge. Stop/pickup point at Nudgee Shell. Travel north to Kallangur, west thru Dayboro, Over MT Mee
Down thru Caboolture, and east across Bribie Island to surf club or pub for lunch
Distance approx 160km's, so fuel up before.
Pm me if you are going with contact numbers, and I will return my number.
I will get the first edited to include these details