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Everything posted by darrinspencer

  1. No better way to spend the time the family than going for a long drive I have to drive to Coffs Harbour and back again on this weekend. Approx 1000km round trip. I think I will leave the Stagea at home and take the Kluger and whack a dvd on to keep the kids quite
  2. Have you got a budget in mind? If you are young and getting a loan, not sure the bank will be happy with you buying a car that is not in Australia yet. They have no guarantee With the really crappy exchange rates at the moment, I dealt there will be much if any to be saved by importing one. Can you afford an extra say $2000 (guess) if the car turns up and is not what is expected and needs something done? Also if you need a loan and on your P's(less money I assume) make sure you can afford stagea. They do drink a bit of fuel.
  3. Did they come from the Australain HEL agent or the UK one? Did they come with any the factory like mounting blocks or are they just hoses which are a bit useless like the ones I received from Hel Aust.? I hope the UK ones include the mounting blocks like the factory lines
  4. Thanks Nick, full details in post 1 Looks like approx 12-15 cars which is great A few more M35's to balance things up would be good.
  5. I have made a booking for 25-30 people at Mt Tamborine Brewery and cheese factory joint in the beer garden area Bar meals $10-25. Undercover in case of rain http://www.mtbeer.com/index.html
  6. Reo, plus 2 indicators delivered to perth $175 Grille delivered to canberra $75
  7. I take that comment back, apparently they can go that fast Has anyone got a spare old cluster lying around, so I can get the ball rolling on this, otherwise I will have to find one somewhere
  8. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/30...l&hl=speedo
  9. You can get dolphin one for about $600-800 Or you can get your speedo head recalibrated by an instrument tech for about $150 and get new face made for about the same I tried a long while ago to get a few people togather to do this, but there is not too much of a need for a stagea to do 180+ I think it is also possible to solder some jumper wires to the rear of the cluster to recalibrate. Has been done before on R33's etc.
  10. No racing last Saturday, got rained out. New power is good, 330rwhp Could do with a bit more thuo. Should be back on the dyno in couple of weeks to find the extra 70-80hp Battery light cam on yesterday, not sure why yet. Will have some updated pic's over the weekend with new wheels on it and detailed engine bay Decided not to use the Evo8 recaro's, have just picked up a brand new pair of recaro millinium's is bright red That should liven up the interior
  11. I have a spare R33 handbrake here. just measured the cable length. 750mm long overall length
  12. Have you compared a r33 and r34 handbrake side by side to confirm the cables lengths are different? Have you got a stagea manual centre console to confirm you are locating the handbrake in the right spot on the tunnel? Is your car series 1 or 2? mine is series 2 and already had part of the bracket on the tunnel and I used half of the new bracket, but it was a stagea one, not r34. The stagea handbrake is different to a skyline. The mounting feet are different. They do lean towards the drivers side about 10-15deg from vertical.
  13. It is a chinese copy of the HKS rail
  14. Preliminary planned trip Meet at Coomera BP around 10.30am, leave at 11.00am travel south to Nerang, west along Beaudesert rd to Cunungra, north up Tamborine to a venue on top of the mountain for a sit down lunch and get to know. Maybe the Tambo Brewery. This is at the end of gallery walk, so if the partners (girls) get bored talking about cars and go for a walk Need a show of hands to work out numbers for lunch booking Once the trip and venue is final I will get mods to edit first post Me - 2+2 Micah - 2 Greenghost - 2
  15. I have a series 2 c34 stagea auto complete rear cradle if interested
  16. Hi You have me on the list twice Numbers 12 and 37 All paid 5-6 weeks ago Cheers
  17. Have you read thru this thread? http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Fu...html&st=220
  18. Boost limited to 15psi due to my doggy bov return piping Will be fixed and up the boost and retune in 2 weeks Gt3076r .82 IW, Nistune, maunal etc Approx 246rwkw Done in RWD
  19. They ended up milling each end square, plus the machine a taper on the inlet of the siemen injectors to get them to seal correctly Got it home last night in one piece Tonight have to reassembly the complete front and side skirts and plan to drive to it to work tomorrow. 4 wheel alingnment booked in arvo Race Saturday arvo, but with less power
  20. After bagging doggy chinese stuff, I need to kick my own rear end Due to running out of time getting the piping done, I made a very doggy BOV return line from high pressure PVC pipe to "just get the car going" The tuner stopped due to worring about it blowing apart on the dyno. So I will be picking up a new metal pipe from the exhuast shop tonight as well as picking up the car. Will have to remain as is until next week when I can get it back on the dyno. Anyway it is making 330rwhp (246rwkw) at only 15psi. Tuner advised it was still making easy power and should get to the magic 400rwhp figure I want.
  21. Don't use crappy Chinese copy parts!!!! The hks copy fuel rail is still leaking, now around the fuel entry They are going to remove it from the car as it is not square on the ends and the screw in fittings are not sealling. Need to mill the end square First few power runs were seeing over 200rwkw's at 14psi when rail was leaking.
  22. I thought I would come in here and say that in secret, I want the Blues to win Go NSW
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