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Everything posted by sproosy

  1. Yo Yo! Impretty sure you can get a blue slip if you have an engineers cert and EPA emissions/Noise documents for the car. But not 100% - Best of luck dude, cant wait to see it on the road!
  2. i just chucked on my keyboard...............
  3. around 190 - 200rwkw i think........
  4. w0000t anyone got a rough price on one of these turbs???? I wantone!
  5. WERD My mum saw one of my HPI DVD's and said the exact same thing!
  6. crd - http://www.croydonautosports.com.au/default.asp
  7. Sat 24th saw a white R33 coming off woronora bridge. exchanged waves - Thats a first for me! Nice R33 dude!
  8. i agree with Paul. But also, when i had my Blitz BOV it was mounted on one of the intercooler pipes. Just jap sold me the BOV on a peice of pipe that replaced the standard intercooler piping, stalling wasnt an issue becuase the stock plumback BOV was still connected and working - plus i was dishing out the most hectict as dosses with my BOV! :lol:
  9. dam! on my rego papers it says mine is 1380kg - Ive heard all different stories, some guy at the pub one night tried to tell me that my car was 1.7 ton - i was driving that night so i went and got the rego paper out my glove box. Then he tried to deck me.......... he he he.
  10. if it helps i got a standard RB20 side mount cooler, all yours for 75$!!!! I pwm JJ prices! kthnxbai!
  11. i think it is 38psi.........
  12. sproosy

    My Baby

    Which corner dude? Im so sorry man, youl have to come for a cruise in the 32 just incase the withdrawal symptoms are heaps bad! :lol: Sorry man.......
  13. skids are cool, but not when i got my rims with good rubber on the back. Need stockies and go to oran park or something...........
  14. now why would that be? :lol:
  15. hmmmmmmm, where in the city are we heading to? And what time? Need more details.........
  16. im working, cant make it, ive taken the friday off for my mums bday, if i try and get 2 days of ill get owned. Sorry guys! If i can change work around i will...........
  17. Spoted Jago.......... EVERY SINGLE DAY when i drive to work! This should shut him up! :lol:
  18. w000t! Happy birthday dude! Ill have a 70k3 for ya!
  19. i payed 1.45 today for BP ultimate at BP Kirrawee. This is F UCKED!
  20. whats your budget?
  21. Hey champ! RB25 boxes and GTR boxes are the same, the only difference is there is no transfer case for the 4WD. Im the long run i want an RB25 box for my 32, the rumors ive heard of RB20 boxes arent the best, and im sure you have heard the same ones im talkin bout..... Coolers, i dunno, i just used got one cause i wanted one, i didnt really go into a great deal of thought on price and/or performance. I just followed everyone else and got a hybrid copy one.......
  22. :lol: Im sick of driving these days, i like to go for a "spirited" drive through the national park by myself every now and then, but thats all. If i see a fellow line driver i always have a chat and usually a quick drag to the speed limit. There has been too many occasions where the commonwhore driver has been up for a run, always the 6 cylinder ones too. i had one guy toy with me for almost an hour one day whilst driving from wollongong to sydney, it got to me finally just near the airport tunnel, we hit the tunnel at 70 km/h by the time i exited the tunnel i was doing 130/140 and he was far behind! Never saw him again.............. For the record the above was all just a dream/figment of my imagination (it never really happened)
  23. just smoke crack, its the temp prob fixer for everything! a toke a day keeps reality away!
  24. the GF loves the car and is always saying shit to me about it. My comeback is: AND WAHT!!?? But still the car is just a piece of metal, it can be replaced, she cant. The car isnt the most important thing in my life.... My right hand is the most important thing :lol:
  25. MAR55S you have been pwnd! If you can provide a creditable source for your info, such as an RTA website or something then it will be taken more seriously. Was the dude who sent the email smoking crack or what? Sounds pretty paranoid, if he is i want his number, i wouldnt mind a toke or 2 :lol:
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