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welshy_32ZILA last won the day on May 15 2023

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    R32 GTR
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  1. Near 12mths since the last update apologies. Car is back running and driving. Have had a few runs at the drag strip also with a bit of success. Managed to run tje cars PB with a 10.88 @139mph with a 2.0 60ft. I have a stock 8hp converter and it's definitely too tight for my setup. But it drives on the street phenomenal. So happy to have converted from the sequential. Has made the car enjoyable to drive vs a what felt like a chore with the sequential. Looking a at few different options for converters waiting for some feedback from SDE if he can do one for me. Still a few minor things to work out regarding finalising torque reduction, I have it working but needs to refining.
  2. I run 2x 4" Magnaflows. They're pretty good straight through aswell.
  3. In other news, cooler and thermostat turned up. 1320motorspors come through with the goods on the cooler. And I've completed 85% of the ecu extension harness I've been working on in the background.
  4. Thanks, I've seen quite a few mixed reports on HTG. He seems to be working through the issues raised and from what I can see he probably should have worked through the beta a bit more before releasing. I've just been shown these which I'll definitely be keeping any eye on considering it's Australian made and supported if my gearbox doesn't turn up before they're released. https://mectricmse.com/products/praetor-ptc
  5. Yea that was my reasoning in going to the 8hp from the sequential. The sequential was fun to drive hard but when cruising was a bit clunky. Having had a self-built 6hp in my falcon(800hp) before the gtr was mint, cruise around none the wiser but plant it and hang on... bit of Jekyll and Hyde.
  6. Hi All quick intro been kick around on and off this forum for close to 5yrs. Car in its previous iteration was as follows. Basic built 26, drop in cams, head studs etc, oil pump etc. Os88 sequential (now removed and moved on) Emtron kv8 controlled with a plethora of sensors. Now for the fun bit, I am currently working through a 8HP conversion with a kit from HPR. I'll throw some photos up of everything but I have created a IG just to make it easier to upload photos. https://instagram.com/32zila_qld?igshid=OTk0YzhjMDVlZA==
  7. I'll start a new thread for 8hp or post my build thread to prevent from taking over the dct thread. I'll post link shortly.
  8. From reading the supplied docs from HPR a small amount of massaging is required predominantly in vicinity of the transfer case. And a small bit where the 8hp breather is.
  9. I'm going a little different route and going the 8hp but still with the adamat and hpr adaptors.
  10. Hi, Me again. Long time between drinks Any chance anyone would have a 1.45 ar rear housing interested in swapping for a 1.05 to suit a 8474? Turbo is choking Uptop and keen to see with a gearbox change how a 1.45 would respond.
  11. Hi All, Just wondering if someone somewhere would have the specs, ie floats etc that os build their boxes too. I've got mine out on the bench atm after doing the gear position sensor upgrade but can't bring myself to throw it back in until I check them including the dogs. The box feels fine but as you know it's a mission to get in and out and don't feel like having to get it out again in a few thousand ks. Ive found holinger GTR box manual but unable to locate a OS. I've spoken to one of the AUS distributors and they weren't able to help. Extremely helpful if I need parts but no manual. Cheers Welshy
  12. Nah it was just the fuel pumps out of flow. But they are over 2yrs old now and not sure how much work they'd done before that as they come on the car when I bought it. I'd say you will be fine. I'll be keen to see your results as im soon to have a 26/30 in the shed as a incentive for the current motor to stay together.
  13. Hahahaha yea that was me mate. I was surprised it went 500 as that was never the aim. Fuel system is -8 supply and -8 return and 1650cc boch motorsport injectors. As I mentioned I'm in the process of fitting 2x bosch 540 fuel pumps with radium check valves and a radium high flow fuel 10micron fuel filter.
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