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Everything posted by -Jo

  1. hey so, its been a while but ive done a boost leak test and it was losing alot of pressure way too quick, mainly bov flange and a few small leaks which tightening some clamps sorted, and welding on a new flange results in no leaks. finally got around to getting some BKR7E's and chucking them in. honestly seems to have solved the majority of the issue, ive done about 300kms since and when at operating temp theres no missfire and it runs how it should. HOWEVER if its not warmed up itll still missfire at 4.5k and limits revs, which really doesnt bother me that much because i dont thrash my car when cold but still rather sort it, any ideas? ecu issue?, cold start valve? appreciate all the help so far, and actually enjoying learning more about the car...how deep does the rabbit hole go..
  2. thanks guys, il look into a way to test the bov for leaks, how much is a stock bov worth?
  3. connected the vac line up and she revs out good sounds like its leaking boost pretty bad tho, hopefully not from the bov itself, ive ordered a new bov flange to weld on as old tuner mentioned the flange was a bit warped, and will leak test ic piping. the bov is a bit to loud and high pitched for me, so might just block the line how it was and sort it all out when the flange arrives and boost leaks are sorted
  4. yeah gave the afm a good clean today, and the injectors were recently flow tested, so they should be allgood. the car misfired like balls today, but last few times i drove it, it was sweet as, and the zorst likes to pop a bit now and then when throttling off, dunno what to make of it ay idk how i didnt pay attention to this before, but noticed today the vacuum line to the bov from intake mani is blocked shut, id rather not run flutter (sounds nice tho) because dont neo turbos have nylon compressor wheels, not sure if they like it too much. im not sure if im way off here but.. if the cars been tuned how is it now, if i reattach the vacuum hose will it cause issues? but then if its running rich itll run a bit better?
  5. Yea the pink sticker afm,
  6. drove it for a change midday in the hot sun, usually i go for a drive at night, seems when its hot out the car revs all the way to redline, althrough its not a smooth pull and feels a bit flat at 3k-5k rpm, but pulls good after that does the change in air density from hot/cold really cause issues like this?
  7. took it for a drive again today, boosts like shit, may shift my focus towards boost leaks, have included a small vid of a 2nd gear pull at wide open throttle. it should be accelerating much faster than this... smoldickRb.mp4
  8. alright i will pick up a timing light tomorrow, and do more research into how to use it and whatnot cheers bro
  9. now im at the point of checking cas, but im very hesitant to pull it off, incase i dont put it back on perfectly and make my situation worse... maybe ill leave that for the tuner to fiddle with if he needs to.. forgot to mention when the misfiring happens, peak boost reads 12psi
  10. hey atm my plug gap is at 0.7, im just about to go and clean and re gap them to 0.8, and i will check the cas as suggested. i havnt taken it to the tuners yet, the car was tuned at cdm in tauranga, but ive heard some not so good things about them and theyre far away, i was highly recommended to switch to advanced tuning at hampton downs, i will be taking it to them when they get back from christmas break. also car feels like its hesitant when WOT thanks for dropping knowledge on me
  11. will pulling out coils 1 by 1 while it idles, yeild results, as car runs smooth untill 4500rpm and idles nicely
  12. so had no issues with misfiring yesterday.. but its bloody back misfires at 4.5k rpm then starts to climb revs again ( i always button off when it misfires, try to treat my car with tlc) , even with new spark plugs and ive still got spitfires in them can someone confirm for me that the only other thing it could be is either boost leak or cas? just love owning and rb so far...
  13. yea im surprised it had launch control, previous owner mentioned nothing of it, wouldve thought he'd use that as another selling point. but sorry for wasting your time man, if i had more experience i would have known it was coil packs, but new to rb's, thankfully its something simple like that. should this thread be deleted? as there are already plenty of threads very similar to this
  14. borrowed some spitfire coils from a mate and now my car runs mint!! YUSSS thanks heaps for all your help guys/girls if theres one thing ill never forget its this saying hahah
  15. hey so might have found the reason why it limits in neutral (or more accurately while not moving), the tuner said it has launch control, tuned into the nistune ecu, set to like 4500rpm, so what u see in the video may be that. ill be borrowing a mates set of spitfires from his rb25/30 tomorrow night or the day after and will chuck them in and see if it is rooted coils. i was also recommended an awesome website that sells pretty much everything jdm, with really good prices to match. www.rhdjapan.com anyone brought anything from these guys, if not at least check out the website and let me know what u think.
  16. i just wouldnt expect fairly newish coils to cough out, but i understand what ur saying, spitfires are quite expensive, but a worthy investment, and 1 less thing to worry about right. i will call tuner tomorrow, and hear his opinion, and probably take it in, in the meantime i will shop around and see if i can get a good deal, i suppose no one sells good working 2nd hand spitfires, as not many people upgrade from them. cheers gtsboy
  17. its yet to be confirmed the coil packs are the issue, but more than likely, it seems a bit overkill to go straight to spitfires? whats the general consensus on buying 2nd hand coils, or even converting to toyota yaris coils, im not after big power but i do have plans in the future to high flow my turbo and more supporting mods and try for 250ish+kw atw thanks for giving me some things to research into guys, i really appreciate the advice
  18. If i get my hands on a multimeter and test each coil, what sort of resistances will i be looking for? 1.6-1.9? or i can idle the car and remove coils one by one to see if anything changes, but the car idles fine would this test still be effective/ accurate?
  19. Update: so i took the coils out, cleaned them and had a very close inspection of them and they look great, i put dielectric compound on the boots anyways, cleaned spark plugs and re gapped them to 0.7, with the same compound on the tips of them. i also unplugged and sprayed electrical contact cleaner on every plug i could get my grubby little fingers on. still does the same thing. i did notice on the coil plug of cylinder 1 (closest to radiator) a part of the little plastic surround is missing (see pic) surely this isnt whats giving me troubles? ive also included a very short video of it misfiring, hopefully this will give you an idea, using about 20% throttle in vid if u guys need anymore information or a better video while driving, please let me know, i wanna help u to help me! Thanks VID_20181216_132345746.mp4
  20. sweet, the issue seems to have come out of nowhere, the previous owner took it to the tuners because it had a minor boost leak around the hks ssqv bov seal, tuner said it was sorted and i have re tightened all the clamps, i havnt vacuum tested ic piping for leaks yet, the issue is very consistent, doesnt matter how much throttle i give it (10% or 100%) so could i rule out boost leak? might try get my hands on a new cas aswell and fix/rule that out occured before i changed plugs, changing plugs has so far been my only try at fixing it cheers again for the help DOgg
  21. Thanks for the speedy reply dude, i did suspect the coils, they are relatively new about 20,000kms on them, and still look as new, but i will pick up some of that goop and try that tomorrow hopefully, and will give an update on how it goes. would i be able to take out my bcpr7es and regap them to 0.7? they have only been in the car for like 30kms. Fingers crossed itll be just THAT easy to fix hahah Cheers
  22. Hey guys, First post, ive been lurking for a while, i know there are plenty of thread on misfires, but the shoe doesnt quite fit. if there is a thread somewhere with a solution that i may have missed please link it and ill delete this? Brought an 1995 r33 with 25det neo, with a few goodies, tuned on dyno to 213kw atw engine details: stock turbo (12psi), nistune ecu, adj fuel regulator, fmic, 500hp fuel pump, savage coil packs(they look pretty good), fresh spark plugs (bcpr7es pre set to 0.8), gfb boost controller, 3'' turbo back exhaust (no cat) think thats about it the rest is stock so my issue is when i test drove the car before purchase it reved up to 7k no worries, smooth no hesitation and smooth boost, now the car wont rev past 4200 rpm , makes no difference which gear im in or in neutral, cold and hot idle is mint, still boosts and drives fine under 4k. when reving to 4k it pops and misfires and will not rev higher, runs rich asf changed the spark plugs today and the old ones were black as. also tried turning the boost down to 5psi to see if it would rev higher but to no avail is wasted spark setup a possible solution? ive yet to look into it, if i dont need to i wont. mainly want to know if this is something that i can fix on my end or i bite the bullet and send it to the tuners and hand over all my dosh lol im no mechanic and im still learning all the little nitty gritty things, so any and all information is much appreciated!
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