Hi guys my 25'd 32 is up and running now
I have a few things to tidy up with the wiring
1. The Aircon Simon did the wiring for me and his aircon works, well it just works so Im guessing not as well as it use to
with mine nothing happens it seems like the aircon fans not switching on and theres no drop in
idle so I dont think the compressors turning on either.
Ive heard (not in detail) that 33's run a extra temp sensor, can someone confirm in detail how this is done and if it works.
Im kinda bummed because I went to the trouble of reusing the rb20 air con compressor and keeping all the lines connected so I wouldnt have to get it regassed
that and its 40 degress outside.
2. The car doesnt seem to like to cold start at all, I have to pump the throttle to get it to fire up and then to get it to "clear" its throat
my car currently has a rb20 o2 sensor fitted and a s14 purple plug unit thing (near the inlet plenum) sorry not sure what it is but my 25 one was stuffed
Im not sure if these would affect cold start or if there's some wiring that needs to be done
sorry to post it in this section but I think this is the best place to get a responce