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About Savman

  • Birthday 23/08/1979

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    Willoughby area
  • Interests
    Cars, photography

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  • Car(s)
    Nissian skyline R32 GTR
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  1. Thanks guys for all ya support. Not many options for people who get there car stolen. Changi have you found any of your parts?, I've been exhaustedly looking and have seen nothing.
  2. I have posted in other states as well.
  3. My car has probably gone interstate. I want it back or I want blood. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/St...tr-t214182.html
  4. My car has probably gone interstate. I want it back or I want blood. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/St...tr-t214182.html
  5. My car has probably gone interstate. I want it back or I want blood. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/St...tr-t214182.html
  6. Savman

    Stolen R32 Gtr

    My car has probably gone interstate. I want it back or I want blood. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/St...tr-t214182.html
  7. BumP! Jog your memories, have you seen my car or parts of it? (parked down the street, in someone's workshop, garage, anywhere?) I miss my car. It's been out there for a few months now so someone must know or has seen something. I'm prepared to put up a reward of $5000 for anyone who knows details that lead me to getting my car back (intact/mostly/driveable) or leads to some arsehole getting put away.
  8. Yes i know, mistakes are made. I was inefficient at getting the new alarm installed. The skyline wasn't my main focus anymore study was.
  9. These are the best wheels i've had, imported from Hong Kong. One of the most uncommon wheels in AUZ. They were taken along with my car. If you see people trying to sell them, I want to know!. I know every detail of my wheels, along with my car.
  10. Hey everybody at UNSW that has had their (or a friend i can contact) car stolen. I'm going to admin at uni to ask for a explanation on why the uni security is so poor. We are paying secure car park rates with none of the security. Please PM me with your details..
  11. WOW how badly i wish this was in my car now. I was looking into this before my car was stolen, to late now. Please people get this installed and when you find them send there adress to me...
  12. Thanks been looking at all the levels at least once a day. Does anybody know what a guy who stole a car would be doing? I mean would they be driving around or stipping it down? Do they usually take it to someone (wreckers) to be dismantaled in the shortest time?
  13. Not stock but it looks it to the standard person (I forgot I was saying it to people who can see the difference). Front bar and side skirts are not standard. 1. Bonnet is a little off colour, (little more yellow) compared to the rest of the car (pearl blue under white). 2. The bumper has been sanded and fiber glassed at the ends because cracking on bolt was in need of repair. 1/2 done (pretty easy to see if you pull beside it) loll Kensington Campus Mecheng car park 5th level back area where to footbridge is to the street. Ironic that I could have been back to my car in time if I didn't go to the library and study. I helpfully uninstalled my alarm because it was conflicting with my turbo timer. The car was kept garaged and only came out twice a month for long drives/raining days. It wasn't worth insuring, funny how I say that now. P.s A lot of sweat blood and tears went into this car as i know you can all appreciate.
  14. I never thought I would write one of these up but here goes. Skyline R32 GTR PEARL WHITE. Easily noticable: AIR Conditioning isn't in standard console, RED wire extentions to control unit in armrest. White NISMO shift knob Black leather shift cover and handbrake. (near new) HKS boost controler EVC4 RED tubes MOMO race steering wheel R33 ENGINE with polished plenium Blitz exhaust temp gauge (not working) Oil pressure gauge working. NISMO gauge clustor 260km/h NISMO temp/battery/boost WHITE clustor (middle console) Shift light just under wiper controls ARC intercooler (faded arc writing damaged fins from bumper.) Parts Info: Two GT2530 turbos, with HKS wastgates (silver), Exhaust housing extrusion honed Extrusion honed standard manifolds to match GT turbos (heat wraped under standard heat shield) Hks intercooler tubing RED NISMO sway bar front and rear OS Giken clutch (near new twin plate) HKS copy dump pipes (heat wraped with metal zip ties), new O2 sensors. REGO: SAV 32R Stolen from UNSW university carpark kensington. Date TODAY, Wednesday 9/4/08 at approx 1:30pm If you see my car, distincitive features are it's a GTR without a wing , GOLD Rays Nismo rims Phone : Myles Savage 0408 433966 I know if anybody know's the difference between a GTST and GTR without a wing it would be you guys. Parts, well if i find you with them i'll let you know.
  15. I have just had the plenium out. What a bitch to get out, getting in wasn't as bad. If you want to get to the ACC i suggest taking plenium out.
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