There are several changes you need to make and to get everything working as it should will depend on the rs4 ecu that you have. There were 3 ecu's used on the rs4 all have minor changes in pinouts the problem is nobody knows what ecu was used when the translated pinout was made so I suggest you probe out all pins on the 2 harness plugs before you change them just to confirm the diagram is correct. Don't plug the loom in as suggested, you will blow fuses and relays, test the pinouts first then you will see what needs changing its far too much to remember for me but from memory you will need to change the following.
ABS harness
injector resistor power supply (do you have it?)
ECCS relay power (12v bat)
ECU earth
Fuel Pump power
That should get it running, probe the RS4 harness for these then swap out the pins or make a few cuts & joins on the 2 harness plugs on the gtr loom after you swap out the abs loom for the rs4 loom make sure you get the tps signal for abs/altessa. Lot more difficult than what is suggested.
Good luck.