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  1. Yeah I just figured that out. Just wounderin if I can use the front hubs alone of the stag and swap with the 33s fronts
  2. Any1 no if the 5stud hubs off a Nissan stage will fit a r33 4door?? Both are rwd
  3. I traced it and yup looks like alternator wires, I take it to by pass the issue of the 33 not having the plug in the engine bay fusebox. I assume I just run it straight to the battery in the boot?? Or the positive connection in the fusebox?.. #im_new_at_rb_builds
  4. I traced it and yup looks like alternator wires, I take it to by pass the issue of the 33 not having the plug in the engine bay fusebox. I assume I just run it straight to the battery in the boot?? Or the positive connection in the fusebox?.. #im_new_at_rb_builds
  5. So iv pulled a rb25de from a wc34 stagea and put it in a r33 s1,, my issue is this plug originally went to the stage's fuse/box but the r33 fuse box does not have the connection.. I'm assuming its coming off the alternator/starter motor sunroom,, any1 no where it goes or what it's for?? Thanks in advance
  6. Ok so does any 1 have a pic of a rb25de knock sensor harness, need to no what's what so I can connect my knock sensors str8 to my rb25de loom,,,,, also any 1 no what this conector is on connector is on my rb25de loom and any 1 no what this plug is on my rb20de neo engine...
  7. What did you do for the oil feed for turbo??
  8. Ok I was low on gas and needed to run the 91 gas outv it while I worked on it,, put 95 petrol in now yeah wont start,,, would think it's no petrol but it's getting fuel
  9. I was low on gas (I no dumb) and was working on my car had it running and cut out,, but what's your thoughts?? All thoughts on this is more than welcome thanks,
  10. Yes I'm using a rb25det manual ecu, yes cas spins freely,,, I'm assuming theres enough gas getting thru, iv had it runing for months then suddenly ran outr gas and hasnt start since, engine turns over fine,,, just the 1 day I put my drive shaft and and manual conversion in and wont blaaaardy start,
  11. Hi all, so I'v done a rb20de+t neo conversion in my r33, if opted with the rb25de loom 25de intake, with a rb25de cas, it was going 1 day, I ran outr gas the next now it will crank over but wont start,, I have spark and fuel, maybe thinking my cam angle sensor is dead,,, I'm in the middle of sourcing a new 1 but was told a normal rb25de cas can not work on a neo engine,,, help help bit stuck. Thanks for your time to read and maybe help a brother out.....
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