Hi all, I have a 97 BCNR33. I recently bought a second hand set of the Nismo Weldina NE-1 Exhaust system. From the front to the back. I took it to my mechanic that usually does all my mods and maintenance, but he has had trouble installing it.He said that the Catalyst Sensor Assembly had rusted and needed replacing. We went ahead and bought a new one.But now he has an issue attaching it to the nismo exhuast pipe as there is no pre drilled hole or fixing to hold or house the sensor.I’ve googled Nismo R33 Weldina NE-1 Exhaust system installation problems or guides but nothing comes up apart from sales links and no one seems to have had this issue on the forum either. Is my mechanic barking up the wrong tree or is there a way round this please? Thank you