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Everything posted by MetBlue_GTST

  1. Thats what i was planning on doin!!! Well i drove most of the unleaded out and put BP Ultimate in and some octane booster in and DAMN!!! She's back to her old self... Oil is a bit black so i might get rid of that and there is a squeek that i need to look at but tomorrow afternoon she'll look like new after the detailing...
  2. I had 4 teeth pulled for bracers, then had 4 wisdom teeth out from the jaw bone under general, couldn't eat anything for 3 days... Got sick of tomato soup very quickly... The worst was near the end when food got caught up in the stitches, so i pulled them out... A week later i was back in hospital with an extreme case of chicken pox, this all happened when i was 16 and on my 2 weeks school break... I ended up in hospital for 1.5 weeks with the chicken pox, coz they were mainly internal chicken pox... That was the worst semester break i ever had...
  3. nah i worked in a servo for 3 years and premium smells better... I found two used syringes behind the ash tray, picked them up with tweezers and put them into an ice cream container and took them to the police station.... I've just finishe rebuilding the boot with the amps and sub... Monday it will be getting detailed inside and out...
  4. Well guys, i've spoken to the Senior Constable tonight and asked a few questions, but basically the guy is going to jail for a real long time... In total he stole 10 cars and broke into 19 houses... He did steal another Skyline, but the bad news is to do that he used a brick against the owners face!!! And to think he was less than a metre away from me when i was sleeping... Apparently the guy is in hospital and is alright... My engine seems to be fine except the tank full of sh1t unleaded, causing pinging at 4500 through the rev range... I checked my RSM and he got up to 212km/h, bastard broke my top speed... Oh and he used my car in quite a few high speed police chases, but he got away from the cops... Anyway i'd just like to thank ALL you guys and gals for you support through this difficult time, i have good feelings about the car and that with some tender love and care she'll be back to her old self shortly... Woody.
  5. Yeah mines sorta the same, when i drove the car home, my housemate helped me clean it, there was a garage bag full of clothes that i pulled outta it... And these were expensive clothes... I also found a knife between the drivers seat and the centre console glove box thing... Also found this device with a big ass screw and a counter-weight to rip locks outta doors... So i took all the sh1t to the police station and informed them of what i found... They also ripped ALL badges off the car and stole my neon lights i had under the seats...
  6. Well Guys my baby is sitting at home safe and sound, it's in the locked garage with the CDI unit removed... I've taken some pictures (http://alan.awoodman.net/stolen/) the engine bay shots is just for interest sakes, theres nothing wrong with the engine from what i can tell so far... There is cigarette ash everywhere as well as peanuts and water... At least i think its water... The dudes name is Ian Charles Varga (spell?), a 30yo aboriginal, there was a news report on channel 7 and it showed my car... I'll be speaking to the senior office tomorrow morning and finding out much more information and when i do i'll let you know... Woody.
  7. I'll be getting one through Action Alarms, thats where i got my alarm installed in the first place, but Jeff Ash organised it for me, so i might talk to him and see if he can get me a good price...
  8. THanks guys, I haven't heard anything more since 7:00am this morning, but i rekon as long as he hasn't done any curb crawling or side swiping of lamp posts, then the car will be fine and it will need a good service and probably new tires (even though i just put new tires on a couple of days ago... ) Unfortunately i already got a yellow sticker and the bastard removed it when he stole it, so i hope i don't get a fine for $400 for removing it... If there is any damage to the car i'm going to talk to the cops about pressing charges and get some money to pay for new tires and any other damage... Maybe i should also sue for $1,000,000 for the emotional stress involved... That would be sweet!! Dan, Nah i haven't told the insurance about the mods yet, but i plan too soon and also get the keypad installed straight away!!! I also plan to not drive the car for a week so as to let things calm down (cops may still be looking for it, angry people might reckonise it) stuff like that... I am also hiding my keys and wallet somewhere really good too... And yeah i'll get the car detailed to get the scum outta it... Alan.
  9. Good news guys, the cops found my car!!! I'm just waiting for another call saying i can go and pick it up... The cop wouldn't tell me too much, but basically all he said about the car was that its been driven hard... They police caught him in Beckenham reversing out of a driveway and they blocked him in... All i know about the guy so far is that hes 30yo... As i find out more i'll let you guys know!!! Thanks heaps!!! Alan.
  10. I actually hope they crash it in a high speed pursuit and write it off some how, and cause themselves an injury... Then i can buy the wreck, strip it for myself, and start again... Thats what i'm hoping for... I got a feeling that it won't be stripped coz they are using it as a get away car after robbing houses, so i think the worst will be a crash or it will be dumped somewhere.... But i'll keep you guys up-to-date as i hear things... Haven't heard anything for awhile which is frustrating... I wish there was something i could do...
  11. Thanks... In future i plan on putting a keypad in!!!!
  12. they did follow it, but they were in a shitty auto corolla, that does 0-100km/h in 3hours.... So trying to keep up is very hard... The latest news is that my car is being used to breakin to other peoples houses and get away...
  13. Well if ya go to my website (http://alan.awoodman.net) theres a few pictures there... I had the car insured with RAC for $33,500 which doesn't include the lastest mods i just did... So if it means i have to get a new car then my mods and money spent on mods will be wasted... Well i have 2 four hour classes to teach today, and damn its really hard to concentrate on that while getting calls about the car and stuff... I'm coping better than what i expected, but i am VERY upset and also VERY angry, lets just say i'd have no problems getting medievil on his ass!!! I had the window open a bit more than usual coz it was cold outside and really hot inside... My one weak moment and BAM, its gone... Unfortunately i just filled it up the night before coz the fuel light was just about to come on... The only releif i've got is that they can't destroy the engine by over-revving coz the autronic will put a 4000 rev-limit when the engine gets hot... Also when my mates dropped me off at work they spotted it in the Maddington doin fishies and burn-outs... Forensics will be coming around soon too...
  14. Thanks guys, i will keep ya posted... Queens Park, near Cannington and Carousel...
  15. Yeah i regret not getting a keypad put in... It was only an extra $500.00, but i should have spent it...
  16. Same here!!! What i can't get over is that he was less than a metre away from me and i didn't wake up to him, coming into my bedroom.... Only to the sound of my car starting, thinking to myself, "gee that sound like my car engine starting"... Look outside and there it goes!!! Its just SO F$@KED UP!!!!! Why me, i aint done anything to anyone!!!
  17. MY f#rkin car was stolen this morning at 6:15am!!!!!!!! The dude came in through my bedroom window and went throught the house, stole my keys, my wallet and my housemates keys and wallet and then rolled the car down my driveway to the street, started the car and took off!!!! Anyone sees a Dark blue R33 GTS-T with the rego 1BDG-877 with a yellow sticker, call cops or me on 0413 656 842 Then castrate the f#@ker!!!!!
  18. Strich9ine, By your left knee (usually where the turbo timers are located) there is a switch which you can adjust the height of the aerial... I too had that problem and also wondered what the switch did... The switch also has a picture of a transmitter tower on it...
  19. All i can say is with my R33 GTS-T which was COMPLETELY stock, stock cooler, turbo etc. but with a piggy back apexi F-Manage ecu and EBC running 0.85bar i got 252rwhp on Barries dyno...
  20. Removing cat is highly illegal and will lead to $10,000 (or there abouts, could have been $5,000, can't remember) fines if caught... Flamage is from anti-lag, not rotational idle as discussed in rotational idle thread... In the old days an extra injector used to be fitted to the exhaust manifold and fired when anti-lag was needed... Now-a-days the ECU controls it all...
  21. Oh me, pick me!!!! Hi again... I've got a top feed fuel rail for my RB25... But i'm running GTR 444cc injectors... It was a custom fuel rail as well... I don't know if the RB26 rail will work, but i do know that the Greddy plenum is setup to take the standard RB25 injectors and rail and can also run a top feed system... If your interested send me a PM and i can tell you where and how much my fuel rail and injectors cost me, you'll be very suprised on how cheap it was....
  22. There is an EXTREMELY detailed and very good write up about anti-lag systems in Zoom magazine No. 59... The anti-lag is stressful on alot of the exhaust parts (turbo, valves, manifold, exhaust, cat)... These days if you buy a good turbo like a Garrett, Trust or HKS they can withstand the anti-lag... But i wouldn't even dream of running anti-lag on the standard nissan ceramic turbo, it would blow it to pieces... Well if your already running rotational idle you should already have a 10-15% opening so you wont need the kicker solenoid... When the anti-lag is working the engine retards like 20-40degrees (on some cars) and dumps a heap of fuel into the exhaust manifold which then ignites on the hot manifold and more importantly on the turbine wheel which then produces boost... The car won't be ready to produce boost, it is producing boost... Yes anti-lag is beneficial at the drags coz for the launch you want the turbo to be fully spooled for when you dump the clutch...
  23. Yes the butterfly in the throttle body is open, its open about 15% but the ecu TPC is reset to 0%... This allows the engine to suck in the large volume of air required.... Rotational idle is awesome and sounds awesome too! Takes a bit to get used to when city driving... That Subaru group N anti-lag delay can be setup in the autronic software or off a switch, personally i prefer the switch for the coppers (although i can't run anti-lag at the moment, read next post)... Okay for a good explaination of rotational idle is the second paragraph of GTS-t VSPEC's first post... The way that the cylinder is not "fired" is through an injector being turned off.. EG. ECU turns injector 1 off and runs injectors + spark for cylinders 2 to 6, then it turns injector 2 off and runs injectors + spark for cylinders 1, 3 to 6, then turns injector 3 off and runs injectors + spark for cylinders 1, 2, 4 to 6 and etc. continually until the throttle is opened more than 1% then the engine runs normally...
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