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grim boy

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  1. maybe not kemos old ceffi , but some ones !!!!!!!!!
  2. hahahha not worryed bout sleazy guys , just thought it was funny to see her there
  3. big congrats to doof and the entrants the stand look grate lot of hard work , ian photos look grate , was good to see two of my cars on your stand ( steve's 33 and daves 34 ) and apparently some thing eles that was from my work shop ( i think steve will know what im talking bout lol , she looks better when she dosent pad her bra tho , lol ) all in all grate display boys congrats on your awards you deserved it !!! see you there next year Dennis Grim Performance
  4. pending on what you want done i can do most jobs , wid my business Dennis
  5. thanks for passing on my condolences kent , i see this car around my area and it realy makes you stop and think hearing bout this. i think there is a nother thread bout the cruse but ill post it hear any ways , there will already be a large number of cars up at treigal when you guys go on sunday , as my best mates brother dieded bout 3 weeks ago due to a hi speed accedent , so i know what alot of you guys are going through atm and all i can say is stick together and help each other through this , it might be good if the two cruse's ,meet up if not for any thing eles than to help make all of us relise that were not super heros when it comes to driving and we should probly all slow down abit , ones again my condolences and hopefully see you all there on sunday Dennis
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