Recently had a wobbly misfire with code 1320 and went through the rounds of replacing spark plugs, no result, pulling coils to see what cylinder etc you know the story.
Found cylinder one had the misfire and the misfire followed the coil into different cylinders when swapped so its definitely that coil.
Easy fix so I bought a coil off trademe for $38 and boom no more misfire. However the check engine light is still coming on and showing p1320. I've reset it using the accelerator pedal method and it does go away, but it comes on again the next time the car is restarted, with the same code 1320.
The misfire is totally fixed I just need the MIL light to go away, any ideas?
The $38 china coil seems to work perfectly but maybe it's still just throwing a code bacause it's got incorrect resistance or something?