Quick update on this topic.
So I took it into an auto elec, they did their test and the bloke said when he pushes the hazard switch in very lightly the indicators work and no blown fuse. Told me I need a new hazard switch, okay cool easy done.
So I went in the car and about to drive off from the shop and tried the steps and nothing happened. So I grabbed the guy and said to show me what he did and yeahp nothing was happening. He played around and then all of a sudden everything started working again and it was all good. Indicators, hazards the whole lot. Turned the car off and then back on and then nothing, the relay can make a click sound but the indicators and hazard aren't working again???
Then I get home and turned the car off and back onto on and no click from the flasher can at all, nothing. Then few minutes later the flasher can clicks only when the hazards get pressed but not the indicators.
Does that seem like a wiring issue to you?