Haven't done much to the car lately, had a bucks party for a mate, had to put one of the family dogs down, I got a work promotion and now my dog might be dying of cancer, mixed emotions and not much time for car things.
Took another photo of it, probably should have taken it somewhere nicer but the front yard will do. The wheels on it are 17" Stich Precious, I kinda wish they were 18" because I think they would look a bit less grandad spec. I've got some 18" blitz 03s that might go on it yet too.
Did 1 thing to it this afternoon, which I am semi pleased with. The previous owner said someone tried to break into it and rooted the ignition, so he swapped the steering columns. Not sure if related or not, but when I bought the car it didn't have a switch for the fog lights, which always bugged me. So I managed to find a S2 stalk with the switch and now have 1 working fog light. Unfortunately still no working indicator on the side with the working fog light.
While I was in there, I noticed the clock spring plastic is farked, should I replace it? Also what is the remaining brown plug for?