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  1. and further to this, when did i even mention her being pregnant, or why she was? try not to put words into my mouth.
  2. ive already expressed my sympathies towards the families involved. i have nothing but pity for the two passengers. im talking about the driver of the car, as is mine or anyone elses right to do. id like to reduce the number of these sorts of things happening my actually considering options, not tossing out a "oh well its happened, dont say anything else and it may not happen again" sticking your head in the sand isnt going to achieve future improvements.
  3. of course. but part of learning is examining the issues in detail, no matter how grotesque. asking everyone to "shutup and pay their respects" achieves nothing, properly understanding and interpreting the reasons behind what happened is much more productive.
  4. i understand what youre trying to say, but doing 150kmh+ in a 50kmh zone isnt the smartest idea. regardless of what you tihnk about current road laws, driving in excess of 100kmh over the speed limit is more than a little stupid. Up near wyoming you only need drive 20-30kms and you have either a freeway blocked from opposing traffic by rockwalls, or other minor roads. doing that sort of speed along densely packed housing is asking for a big stack, and thats what he got. it doesnt matter a fig if he was the best driver in the world, he ****ed up bigtime and paid the price for doing so. a big shame two other people were involved. the bottomline is, noone can defend his driving at the time of the accident. it was irresponsibly and obviously severely endangered his and others lives to the point of extinction. my complete sympathys to his and his friends families. let this hopefully be a wakeup, both to other who consider this type of irresponsible driving, and those who tihnk near sighted measures like curfews will prevent this type of thing. vastly improved and in depth driver education is the only realistic longterm solution. even then, you can never legislate 100% against stupidity, although Bob Carr et al. are trying very hard to. a fruitless quest. RIP.
  5. jsut to let you all know in case you dont, Commperformance is running a memorial cruise on the same day 28th Nov up to terrigal then to newcastle leaving mt kuringgai shops at 9.30am. a brother of a commperformance member and his girlfriend crashed at high speeds a month ago up near the RAAF base near newcastle into another car. So if you see a lot of commodores up there, dont mistake them for troublemakers, theyre there for the same type of reason. www.commperformance.com for details if interested.
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