I know this thread is a little dated, but super great info. Recently found this thread due to having 'the clicking'. The events leading up to my clicking seem unique amongst this thread, so I thought I would mention and gather thoughts.
I bought my Stagea in Dec 2019. Took delivery in Jan 2020 and drove it pretty regular for a while - after working out misfire bugs. Anywho, never had any clicking - none that I ever noticed (which now that I have it... I am sure I would have noticed!) Around July 2020 I had to go RWD due to a U joint on the front shaft ceasing up. I pulled the shaft at the 30A fusable link in the engine bay relay box. Drove it that way till Sep 2020 when I had to tackle some other serious issues with heat and other coolant related stuff. Well, that turned into a whole gigantic project, and I just started her back up for the first time last week (Jul 2021).
During the whole project, I was able to reinstall a new (to me) front DS and I reinstalled the fusable link. And now the clicking!
I have yet to go through the bleeding process, as I just learned about it. But I still wanted to share my story about the circumstances that brought me the gift of 'the clicking'.