I recently picked up a 94 gts25t about a month ago now and within the last two weeks the car has developed an issue within the rear end of the car during low speed corners (less than 20-30kph) but most noticeable when turning onto an intersecting road or backing out of the driveway and pulling forward. what its doing is hard to describe but to me It almost feels as though the rear diff is binding up or SIMILAR to what driving a car with a welded diff feels like. The part that's messing with me is any corners or curves anywhere above that 20-30kph mark the car doesn't do anything strange. there are no noises, vibrations, or clunks from the rear end. is it possible that something like this could be caused by the Hicas rack? this is my first skyline and really don't have any reason to believe I have a bad Hicas unit but again I'm new to skylines and still relatively unfamiliar with the Hicas system. I've been in a handful of vehicles with bad diffs or diffs on their way out, even rebuilt my fair share. its usually pretty apparent when you've got a bad diff.
I did dropped the fluid the other day and there was no evidence of metal shavings in the fluid whatsoever even fished a magnet around the bottom of the case with no chunks or shavings on the magnet.
I've been trying to search for even a similar issue to mine since I first experienced it with absolutely no luck.
im lost as to what my issue may be and hoping someone can help shed some light on it.
thanks in advance!