My one doesn’t have an ignitor, not sure if it’s supposed to? I’ve had a look at the coils, no visual cracks or anything suspicious. Might test the resistance in them however I’m not sure if that’ll give me a 100% answer as to whether they’re faulty or not.
Will also have a look at the solder joins in the AFM to make sure they’re OK.
That’s a good point. I’ll even see if I can pick up/try out a coil harness. I unplugged the o2 sensor yesterday when it was in limp mode and struggling to idle at all. The car started to idle nicely, however it remained to idle smoothly once I plugged the sensor back in. Will try the same with the coils.
A couple of the cylinder walls have a bit of rust, although I was told that was not uncommon. Other than that, there isn’t any drastic changes between them.
Another thing I noticed when I was pulling off my cooler piping tonight was that it all smelt really fuely, I’m sure that’s related to the issue?