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Everything posted by SkylineSII

  1. I was with slide and daler32 for a bit just laughing at the r33's that all had gtr badges on them lol there where a lot of them
  2. Well i didnt want to throw up in my car so i didnt go, plus i was asleep by 7. I also have to be healthy today becasue i got a Z4 to drive around all day:). What am i doing on here typing im going to drive it. Was it a good night and did anyone see my women from thursday nite? i was looking forward to chatting to her again:p Whose skyline.. Umm there is 5 which one. Somebody crashed my car. I really think she was after slide but was going to use me to get to him:P
  3. I will be there cathing a ride with daler32 im no taking my 33 simply becasue im screwed for that stupid speeding thing i did and i dont want to get anything else happed before i go to court knowing my luck get caught for stopping 2 close to a corner or something and that has happed before lol. See you at the yatala pies carpark at 7:30 gold coast people. And to all other we are not dumb gold coast people we are just courteos to others who may want to suggest where to meet:)
  4. talking about drink driving and not getting booked. I was just on the phone to a mate who got pulled over 2day doing 135 down the highway he had a beer in his lap and the cop didnt even ask him about it and he was drunk. For my mates stupid sake i wished he got booked for speeding and drinking but the cop didnt do anyhing about the drinking side of things how stupid. And when the cop said do u know how fast u were going i said sorry sir i hought i was doing the speedlimit lol. I was only in 3rd gear i said and he goes hmmm
  5. Well we all know i speed as my speeding fine now showes. But i never break the speed limit with anyone else in the car whats the point kil them and its on your mind for life screw that. Well they got off pretty lightly for that hopefulyl i wont get to nailed for doing 180 in 110 zone esp since it was late at night and no one was around except cops. And i got no speeding violations before that
  6. I dont agree with what i did but i only speed to 175 to get away from this dickhead ina hilux that was sitting on my ass all the way done smith street and flashing me so i got to 175 and slowed right back down to 110 straight away it wasnt like i was doing it for 5 k or nothing. But there is no point mentioning that to the cops they will jsut sa 2 bad
  7. Off smith street onto the highway towards brisbane. then i got of the highway and turned into helensvale where the cop pulled me over in an unmarked holden but he was in uniform.
  8. Just spoke to my cousin whos freind is a cop and spoke to her and she was on duty at the moment, Its some new gadget shit it was entering the highway on the coast i will be summond to court and lose my licence in speeds excess of 175. Oh well shouldnt have been speeding
  9. Point to Point Radar Hey do we have these on the coast? I just got pulled over by a cop and he said I was caught speeding by a point to point radar, and he basically said that the evidence will be reviewed and I will be informed. If this is true I am DEAD no licence what so ever because of the speed I was going.
  10. I dont have a problem driving a bit of distance any excuse to drive my skyline i am happy
  11. Saw a r 34 gtr i think it was a v spec at the spit i pulled up behind it in my skyline and felt shit lol Who owns this car numberplate something like 350kw
  12. Ohh okey i will give them a try i just got quoted 500 for p[ained and fitted and supplied from a bloke who my dad knows , and has jsut stated a spoiler business that seems a good price for a gr rear wing
  13. Even if it is a cops own car still good to know so dont go try and give him a run.
  14. I reckon i mean god its a laser what are u thinking. I have seen this guy around a fair bit actually and it sounds like a lawn mower that is sick and needs to be taking to the dump.
  15. WEll im just shatterd on the way home 2nite i just had a guy in a laser with a bodykit and all the dials u know the type of dicks im talking about that do that to a laser. Well at the lights he goes dude why would u own a silvia and make it look like a skyline i see so many of u dickheads around that wished u owned a skyline. Im sitting there at the lights im my 33 thinking what the hell is this guy on about, then he tried to do a burnout and stalled it at the lights so of course i showed him how it was done lol
  16. its the standard series 2 one at the moment whys that
  17. Dont park your car under trees either thats bad as well. U get all the sap over your windscreen then your wipers dont work properly and u have to polish your windscreen, Also parking under trees the leaves fall into your skuttle chamber and can cause rust becasue they slowley turn to mud seen it happen a fair bit even saw it so bad on one persons car that the whole front end was rusted out.
  18. Ohh okey so i can buy the kit from them then i need to get it painted thats cool i can fit it myself
  19. hey im after my new rear spoiler and i dont want to go to ...tech again becasue it took them 5 and a half weeks to get me my skirts the paint doesnt even match, my doors hit on both sides and the holes are so poorly done all rough edges So after what i have had to deal with through them i am after a differnt supplier can anyone tell me who i should go and talk to on the gold coast thanks.
  20. I had a guy last nite in a magna try to drag me so i gave it enough to beat im lol shhh. Ayways at the lights he said ohh thats a good skyline is it a gtr i said no is a gtst and then he goes ohh so its a non turbo, i said no its a single turbo, this was when the stupid comment came but u said it wasnt a gtr only gtr's have turbos in skylines, and he called me a stupid bastard who doesnt know anything about skylines so i shouldnt be driving one and drove off?
  21. wait u have a 34 opps didnt c that mine is a 33, so guess it will be differnt
  22. It sits on minus 7 doesnt it at an idle, and at full boost should go just past that line halfway up in positive i think thats right.
  23. okey i have decided to go with my gtr wing so now its time to know what to do with the old. Are they worth selling? its a series 2 one no paint missing on it all and all good condition. If they are worth selling for how much>? or maybe just keep it incase
  24. yeah that does seem good thanks something to save for lol
  25. I honestly didint take any notice of the plates i will next time lol. But yeah u c it all the time i did a job today for a bloke who had persuit ute and he said he just got the side re painted becasue some dicks who he smashed of the line in a ford lol i had to laugh at that. Well they keyed his car and wrote now who is the winner?. Some people deserved to be shot.
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