Since nobody answered my questions and some people might have these questions and end up here from Google Search I asked my machinist who also does engine building and familiar with rb26 he confirmed that rod bolt size might be different from each other +- 0.005in so probably I can still use my previous rod bolts and also there’s no problem with using the new set that I got so just to be safe I will use the new set cause if one of the old rod bolt changed its size more than 0.001in then it’s not recommended to be used.
also after calling k1 multiple times they can’t say whether they used 1.5 length rod bolts so probably they paid someone in China to design their rods. But for replacement always use same size rod bolts and same length and same material.
Also does anyone know how to use stretch gauge while installing the rods? Cause it doesn’t look like that main girdle let you put the arp stretch gauge in there