I dunno if this has been done before, but I find that I am getting so that I cannot drive in city traffic any more if I need to be somewhere fast due to the increasing number of morons on the road.
Now, there is no denying that there are younger drivers in sporty little cars and they drive nothing short of badly - but what about those who get in their lane, *think* that they know the road rules and how to handle a car, but are just creating problems for all road users with their ignorance and arrogance.
I thought that I would run a serious poll to see just what people in the car community consider to be the worst driving practices. At the moment I'm trying to think of all the dangerous things for traffic conditions. Feel free to PM me if the options need updating.
It's just a shame that the mainstream media can't take this poll - mainly because of their bigoted thoughts against car people and seemingly refusing to log onto sites like this where WE get to have a say (Unlike the newspapers and TV where only the most ignorant and uneducated get their say - as the reporter/s of a story!)
#4: Driver inattention has been proven to be the #1 reason for road deaths in the USA last year - this includes using a mobile phone, smoking, eating, and drinking. Speed-related was #3. Makes you wonder why Speed is still touted as the main killer on roads? Is the government saying that you're stupid and will believe everything they say?
#6: This includes a refusal-to-acknowledge other road users by not moving into the left lane; believing that they know all the road rules; or being intentionally ignorant of other road users.
#9: Fools who sit on your bumper because they lack the ability to see a problem and work around it AND lack the simple common-sense to realise that maybe the person in front either cannot get out of the way or is a #6. It also indicates to me that the tailgater does not have sufficient driving skills to know how to overtake safely. I will be happy when the law is changed to show that an accident caused by a tailgator is intentional in nature and should be charged as a minimum of Intentional Grevious Bodily Harm or Attempted Murder.