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Everything posted by blackanator

  1. yeah i know a chick at work who blew .08 on a random pullover , she had a yellow sticker worthy car, and they let her off with a warning aswell. she was also on her P's.
  2. haha mathew haggerty i used to live in wickham, i know of you. guess who i saw last night at the casino? - morgan blake! OH and as for yellow stickers, i once got one on NYE a few years ago in scarborough, i dodged the big booze bus line on west coast hwy because i couldnt be bothered waiting (was the driver that night so i didnt drink) they had a little set up for ppl dodging taht on some back street, i blew 0.0 as i knew i would, and Constable Plod didnt like that, so they did an inspection on my rolla, every thing was ok on it - they looked in the engine and yellowed me for an 'oil' leak which was actually green coolant that was dry and scabby that had formed on a hose. I passed the date that i had to have the car inspected by, and i just took off the sticker, left it in my glove box, and never worried about it again - that was NYE 2001. I have since had the car fully licenced for 3 years, with a few speeding fines, etc no problem - they never enquired or sent out a letter for the defect notice. But if you are removing the sticker and or re-situating, make sure you remove the residue aswell. Good luck!
  3. 1 qu - do you know if the turbo is of 'working' condition, or what the overall condition is? thank you
  4. bump* for the public holiday forums go-ers
  5. Pretty sure it would be h3c, but i could be wrong, the H3C just has 2 big prongs on the bottom, just do what the others said and rip one out and take them out and about. As for blue/white in H3C - i found them virtually impossible to find in Perth, maybe some where east has them readily available not quite sure, i found them hard enough to find 'normal' globes in the H3C pattern. if you really want the blue/white look, id personally go a HID conversion, theres a bloke in the Forsale/parts section selling them for about 350-400 i think. Id pick up a set straight away, if i didnt have to buy so many uni books this semester neways, good luck
  6. Hey guys, i have a 89 gtr and i seem to be having a misfiring/sputter problem when cold started. Say if i were to start the car in the morning, the car drives normally, til you hit about 2nd gear, then after about 2000rpm the exhaust sputters / back fires quite a heap til you get about 2.7K - 3K - giving it a bit seems to get it out of the rut, but once u get to the next gear it seems to do it again as soon as you get over 2000rpm. It seems to run rich and u get a little bit of smoke goin. Even when i get over this, u still get the once and a again u get the small pop / slight backfire when you change gears (which is normal yeah?). This usually lasts about 3-5 mins at the start of the drive. I have been reading up on the forums, and i have changed the spark plugs, they were faily normal, nothing too black or stuffed etc, but we changed them anyway for some NGK's we spaced at .8 from supa dupa cheap. After changing them it seems to still do this. Sorry if ive given very vague information, but any help/suggestions would be appreciated muchly. Before goin down to my mechanic, i jsut thought id like to try work out what the problem is/ so maybe i could fixit (highly unlikely ) or can better explain to my mech the problem. Cheers. EDIT: sorry forgot to mention, when it is sputtering/backfiring etc u can feel slight power surge, feel it kinda struggle etc, but yeh as i said you get out of it by giving it a bit more.
  7. hey just an update. I got a new globe from CarQuest in East perth. Thanks for that the pulp. its a H3C , $30. That was for an 89 R32 GTR.
  8. Im pretty sure mine are not H4 (r32 gtr), as ive tried those and its a total different design, my mechanic said they were H3C - i think he said they were same as s13 sil, not 100% sure but its def not H4 for mine. Most places i found dont stock the H3C. Thanks every one for your help, cheers.
  9. Just wanna aska qu. Did the sputtering only happen when the car was used at the start of the day, say if you drove it the night before, then to work again say 8-9 hours later, it would do it, then eventually 'fix' it self gradually about 5 mins later etc?
  10. Hi there guys, just trying to find myself a new replacement set of bulbs or just bulb for my r32. The bulb is H3C is that right? Any suggestions/reccommendations would be appreciated. I tried that little 'car accessories' shop in carousel, they said they ran out. Anyways, cheers.
  11. hahahaha classic. dont worry i got your back, he may have pikachu, but i have yugi-ho
  12. hm why isnt this thread locked already? owning a car isnt all drift and boost and sunflowers and shit, there are bills, insurance, petrol, servicing, demerit points , which all = MONEY = Responsibility = shithouse. realistilcally you wont be owning/driving cars like the ones in here, til your 20 or over, and its another 3 years until you actually turn the legal driving age. If i were you, id worry more about waht 14yo's should worry about, their pushies, havin durries, heh this talk about popping cherries, how bout u concentrate on losing the virginity that matters(your own). Heh when i was 14 i was running a mok, not talkin shit to older forum members. all im sayin, is give the forums a rest, and go out and play or something, dont be so hostile and righteous, youre only 14.
  13. nein! totally sold out! they would of sold the excess tickets at the gate, but none left apparently.
  14. Hey all. im after some tickets for rockit this sunday. pm me your price, and how much nandos you want! thanks!!! peace out.
  15. theres a bloke some where in perth with a vp/vr ute (not sure what vseries so excuse my ignorance for the push rod parade.) - hes got an rb25dett conversion goin, fitted himself and all that, doesnt go too bad at all.
  16. i believe the first application of under body neons - that i ever saw any way, was in film - The Crow . not sure if they were actual neons, maybe just yellow fluros. that was also on some suped up yank tank.
  17. i was done back in september for "creating an excessive undue noise or some rubbish" aka doing a 'burn out' location : pulling out of leach hwy maccas (derrr) car : shitbox 93 rolla seca, with bald as all buggery tyres road was wet, so i ahve no idea where the sound was coming from. since buying the skyline i drive even more like a nanna. 3 dem points 100 fine.
  18. hey howsit goin i had a few probs with my car, but in aus, so i can only imagine how pissed off you'd be waiting for something u havent even seen. have you ever looked into the option of getting the car shipped by sea container, it only costs about $300ish and you pretty much are guaranteed to get it faster than normal car shipping. i have a friend who is importing a few cars now, and he went to sea container option, because he said too much ****ing around with the "normal" way and your car is always guaranteed to be thrashed by the warfies. oh btw, who are you going through atm? prestige? whoever it is, get onto their asses, (which im sure you have), but keep bugging the ****ers. lemme know, i can always ask my mate, hes over there now (or could be back by now not sure) wouldnt hurt. cheers.
  19. stabbed by what? 14yo's dishing out threats, love it. get a grip kid, yes i did say kid. youre only *just* a teenager, here you are talkin about boost and stabs.
  20. i had a 'friend' who paid 20K, for a 1994 r33 N/A , everything totally stock, just a bit tip on the exhaust. that was from the lovely ppl at skipper.
  21. the mofo who was 'fixing my car' put a friggin ciggerette lighter burn (im talking like massive and almost purposely) in my otherwise perfect back seats. wtf was h e doin in the backseat, and why the hell are there lollie wrappers on the back floor? then some mofo ran a trolly up one of me panels, leaving a nice litle xmas racing line infront of the rear 1/4 panel. thank you garden city patrons! and i was always paranoid at carosmell.
  22. no offense meant rezz, was just kinda weird seeing the contrasts to different aspects of both cultures, where one society lacks , they make up in other areas i guess. my bizzaro statement referred to, AUS - dirty train/smelly train = mature people JPN - clean train / smelly nice = immature people still rooted none the less. some ppl unfortunately dont share the same sense of humour, or wish to poke humour where it shouldnt be 'socially' accepted. like when ppl laugh at dwarfs, or those with cerebal pausy, some will laugh some wont, some try not to because its 'socially unacceptable' and some just dont. i'll admit, ive laughed at a kid who had brain damage *(in my younger years), then i dated a girl who's brother had autism, and now i marvel at those less fortunate, as they are amazing human beings, some ppl aren't just as 'mature' or socially sensitive as you and me, its really sad, just like you said. thats why ppl are posting in here begging to differ. i mean the same can be said about aboriginals , how people can openly and willingly insult them, or immigrants - illegal or not. some people just dont give a shit, and they most likely never will. but im sure you know all of this already, and none of this is new to you. yeah but i can totally understand why you made this post in the first place, good on u. hai ski desu ne!
  23. bizzarro japan? when i was in japan, the trains were spotless, odourless and every one just seem to have respect for all comuters... catch a train in perth (its not as bad as over east) but you get to see all the windows tagged up, feral kids uttering obscenities like it were the new alphabet, 9/10 the train pongs of B.O / vomit / fart / piss/ shit / - choose any 3 at any given time. heh so its not all perfect in japan... oh well.
  24. boost monk advice for later... start saving your money now, for real. by the time you can actually buy one, then you can get a nice one, s15's will be dirt cheap by then or something along those lines. but i imagine by then, they'd probably bring in some legislation which will prohibit youngins/p platers with 'high powered turbo nissan import v8 super duper" vehicles. neways peace fcken bundy draught is the stuff
  25. Hi guys, i need some help urgently i just need a set of rims with rwc tread on them, to get me car through the pits. does any one have a set of rims that will fit an r32 that i can borrow for less than a day? I can pay up some cash, or buy you a bottle/carton of piss of your preference. cheers. (oh btw, some one said something about nandos, i can give you a shit load of nandos if thats what ya fancy [i run one.])
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