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Everything posted by YouTRIPPIN?

  1. is this true for some? this means i would need a new ECU with more memory if there isnt enough right?
  2. yea,do you know if its even possible to screen mirror with this kinda plug 😐 a lot of the posts just says to install a RCA port instead
  3. actually nvm... my car doesnt have the RCA ports it has this other port? 😥
  4. ah i see you're using this https://www.jaycar.com.au/hdmi-to-composite-av-converter-with-power-supply/p/AC1773?gclid=CjwKCAiAxeX_BRASEiwAc1Qdke9Ic2LyGUJbP6a2k_AvQNKlyewh1f7OC29lo-REtxGp58dUkCqRcxoCm4EQAvD_BwE does it have to be this specific one or can i use any cheaper version?
  5. how did you set this up :O? So I see a RCA to HDMI converter, then a phone with HDMI port? i managed to get the oil temps working but im using my phone to look at the app
  6. Purchased this obd2 from https://www.jaycar.com.au/obd-ii-engine-code-reader-with-bluetooth-technology/p/PP2145 Has anyone had any exprience with setting up Oil Temps with Torque Pro? I've used a custom PID as well as installing the Infiniti and Nissan plugins showing the VVT Oil Temps but it could never be read? I've read other posts that it has worked for people but those are from USA sites. Just wondering if anyone had this setup on their 370gt?
  7. yea i thought it was a bit low on the first run too, but im just focusing on that gain tbh what else could be the reason for less base line kw?
  8. Took my car to get it tuned at tunehouse the other day and these are the results What do you guys reckon of the power gained? Is it what it was expected? Mods installed: Stillen gen 3 CAI Invidia Gemini CBE
  9. nope its inside the front bumper behind the grill, but thanks !
  10. The Stillen Gen 3 intakes came with a guard that goes infront of the two air filter pods. But I left it out thinking it would restrict the amount of air going into it. Since it's out I'm just wondering if it would hydrolock the engine if I drive the car during the rain? or could I just use those wraps that K&N supplies that goes over the air filter pods?
  11. do you really need one or could you use an air filter wrap like a K&N one?
  12. Hi everyone im new here! Just got myself a 09 370GT and looking to start making it how i want it to be Mostly looking for places that can professionally fit new exhaust systems for a G37/370GT in Western Sydney if possible. Thanks!
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