Pain in the ASS! Finally got the lines off. Upon inspection I was able to find a crack near one of the clamps on the hose. Over time the clamp managed rub its way thru creating a weak point. Went to the local auto store to source some hoses for replacement. No luck! Was able to find some tubing but it's obviously not formed, just straight. One of the bends on the larger lines causes a kink in the hose. No matter how I twist or bend it, No Bueno! The kink still rears its ugly head. Having a hell of a time trying to find replacement lines. Thought about going to the plumbing/hydraulic line shop and looking at brass or stainless barbed bends to remove the kinks. Really don't want to introduce any weak links or have it all micky mouse like. All I can seem to source is one line that is "U" shaped and connects directly to the reservoir going to a hard line in the boot/trunk, unfortunately not what I am needing. Does anyone know where I can get a set of new lines? I seem to be coming up short on my searches. Thanks guys, appreciate all your help with this.