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Everything posted by StinkyPoo

  1. Hmm, well i've heard back from a few people. Doesn't look promising for the R31 club to join this event... Anyways, dont' count me/us just yet, need a few more confirmation from other members...
  2. Yeh, i'm in. I got 3 others definately in but were aiming for the public session on the 20th. If we change dates i'll need to re-confirm with those guys but soon seems to be better for us with other events such as a wakefield day and drift day are planned towards october/november. Anyways, the september session goes ahead, i might have a group of 5-6, but definately not 8! Best thing is payment or deposits, Derek has sent me a e-mail saying he might be able to organise group discounts(minimun of 8 participants). P.S. i've posted on the R31skylineclub site about this(the new date).
  3. KK, he said there has to be a group of 8 people to run a private session.... So i think it's safer to say that we should join a public session because the drop out rate on SAU is close to 80%
  4. Too late, i've called him, hehehe!!! I'm gonna try and see if I can get a non-public session organised. Next public session is 20th August @ $125.
  5. Very interested but how do we get the $99 price??? I went on a skid pan last sunday and it was the best day ever!!!
  6. I've seen one on the west side of kambah. Everytime I see it, he is giving it a flogging. Almost saw it crash into the a traffic light on drakeford once.
  7. Guys, LOL, looks like i'm the only one from here that's going . Changed your mind yet mark???
  8. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=123892 It's less than a week away, better get something organised.
  9. KK, pretty sure none of you guys are going but a gruop of us are leaving from Canberra on Thursday around 10:30-11:00am to meet up with the Sydney group at Yass at 12:30pm. Just thought i'd let anyone know.
  10. Did anyone recieve the email? I have no idea why but doesn't seem like none are going through.
  11. Hmm, link doesn't work for me...
  12. Got a video clip. Pm/msg/post me your email address and i'll send it to you.
  13. Hey all, Not sure if any of you guys are interested. Pre Skyline Nationals Meet/Cruise. Reason.... I have no idea! LOL, but who cares. More details to come. Who is interested. Meet Location: Kingston Foreshores (or The Carillion) Meet Time : 11am
  14. yeh, i only caught up with you guys down at lanyon, and then you split up. Yep, i think we do it again in August. Skyline nationals are on in July.
  15. Lol, i guess we shoulda given more notice. Also, i think if the event is organised coinsiding with some known day would give a better response. Better luck next time, how about a skid pan day? Anyways, time for sleep see ya's in a few hours.
  16. KK, So that makes it 10 again... This is kind of a shit turnout especially when 2 clubs are going. Any idea's for the next meet/event? Another dyno day would be good, that way I can see how much power i'm really makin'
  17. FC's are awesome, i soo wanted to get one. Looks like I found a skyline I might be able to borrow... See you in a few hours.
  18. Damn it, i'm soo pissed off. Turbo won't be ready for another week! Anyways, I got Resq to come out again, so we haven't lost as much as we thought. Seems like tomorrow is a go-er!
  19. I'm out, never was listed IN tho. Guys that were doin my turbo said it'll take a day. Now pushing 10days. I need a ride if anyone is willin to pick me up. Oh yeh Luke, someone said you weren't able to drive your car after that accident. Good to hear your gonna make it. Well, i'm pretty sure all the 'In's' are coming, just from past experience. It's only the maybe's and intending that we need to confirm.
  20. Yeh, my car is delayed another 2 days, so should be running on saturday. I hope people still remember it's this Sunday. Alot of people i've talked to have seemed to have forgotten. So, who's else is piking?
  21. Yeh, i heard some causes of accidents are due to their proximity to home/work. Cos they drive the road/area almost everyday, people get overconfident and relax. Anyways, Pics!
  22. Yeh, he is on the this forum. Bullbar got contacted by him when he put up a WTB thread.
  23. Gearboxes are easily replaced. There is a dude in Canberra that has RB25 boxes in stock.
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