Did you actually receive it yet? Because SOP there is to be friendly and talking it up at the beginning (as stated early in this thread) pretty much telling you everything you want to hear including a 8 - 12 week delivery, but then 12 or 13 months later after making payment they no longer have much to say or be friendly about. Not that it matters, because at some point you wise up and realize you’re not alone in being told the same old thing again, and again.
Seems like a nice enough guy and you so want to believe and be understanding of it all, but then have to accept it’s not a coincidence that the same situations have been going on for years with multiple customers. If you’re local or a citizen there at least you can go see them and press forward with a face-face experience. It’s the international customers being required to pay 100% in advance who suffer the most
So none of the people here are me:
I purchased a full gearset in Dec 2017 and it finally showed up in Jan 2019. It’s a full gearset though and was ordered far enough in advance. It didn’t really cause me any problem other than wondering if I was out the money after so much time. So despite getting a bit twisted up towards the end of that ordeal, I was instead a bit more understanding after finally receiving it.
However, having purchased a used but broken PAR gearset and the purchase being based on the manufacturer living up to their infamous 8 - 12 weeks delivery quote for an input shaft with one gear that were ordered in early Jan. 2019, I’m still tripping over the broken gearbox sitting in my shop 13 months later. I was figuring on 6 or 7 months maybe which would have been fine. Which around that time (July 2020) I was told it was mostly done and would be shipping soon.
However, can you imagine a transmission potentially being down 13+ months later, the parts still unaccounted for, your full payment too, and another promised deadline from 6 weeks ago gone by again without a word being said, and then you can’t even get the courtesy of a reply inquiry about it? Because i’m here to tell you, you better consider it.
On top of that I bought another barely used 3rd Par gearset from a private seller shortly after ordering those parts, not fully understanding what I was getting myself into. So a month or two after being told the parts order was almost completed, I was then told the spline count for the gear was uncertain. I inquired what needed to be done on my end to make sure we get it right and in repeated inquiries nothing more was ever said back to me about it. Then in the last reply I was told this was an unhealthy situation for both of us and the parts would be completed by the end of Dec. Well I may have been direct and to the point, but have never cursed the man or intentionally acted disrespectful. I even told him it’d be even more unhealthy for both if us if the parts show up and don’t fit, making the same inquiry again, but it’s been crickets chirping ever since.
It wasn’t unhealthy at all whenever I discussed possibly ordering another full gearset or custom flywheel. I received an international call on Saturday to talk up the purchase buddy-buddy like then, but that’s par for the course. I was at least woken up enough the 3rd time around to consider it might be wiser to complete this transaction first. Because If doing business with PAR is an unhealthy situation, I can assure it’s not the customer who paid in full and waited patiently well past the same old 8 - 12 weeks falsehood who’s making it unhealthy. So being in manufacturing myself I get the issues and even now the covid realities, but the delays, multiple deadlines not met, excuses, 1+ year deliveries, and so on have been going on for years
I’m not hear to cuss or carry on or put any person or company down, it’s just to share my experiences and having looked around at the experiences of others who dealt direct. If I had been warned to buy two or three gearsets to avoid waiting over a year later to receive replacement parts then at least people can be prepared for that reality. It might be different with a shop that specializes in supplying particular gearsets from them and maybe can grab parts off the shelf or possibly has a priority relationship, but can’t honestly say since my experiences are only going direct. So looking back at paying the higher cost of PPG, Hollinger, Quaife etc. I’d have rather invested there because at this point I have no confidence in the manufacturer I invested in.
So I own three gearsets and they know that, yet 13 months later am still waiting on a reply to my last inquiry in addition to the the parts that are still outstanding. Not sure where I go from here other that to just count it a loss when the next failure or worn part eventually occurs. So I really have nothing to lose at this point by putting it out here for everyone to see. Certainly not going to order another gearset or two thinking I might be covered vs. going somewhere else.
Take it for what it’s worth. You can’t say nobody told you, but honestly my hope is for anyone else to receive better service and personal character you can believe in than myself and others have received.
Nobody Special.