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r32-25t last won the day on February 23

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About r32-25t

  • Birthday 20/10/1982

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    r32 gtr, xr6t ute,
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  1. I’m guess it’ll end up with a turbo
  2. Not yet, we basically drove it to a private road, got the logs and drove it straight back. I think I need a new passenger seat belt after the mrs squeezed the life out of it.
  3. Took it for a drive to do some logs, I’m pretty sure my voltage issues and electrical noise issues are gone, I’ve sent a log to Adam and am waiting to hear back with confirmation att.K23U9eHyiEJxixH6y1__GQfuqK0EgIoDgQFTs9G8x_w.mp4 idle video from that day just because
  4. I’d love to find some where that can recover the dashes to look brand new and original. Mine has a very slight bubble, nothing compared to some I’ve seen though
  5. How much is that r32? Is that $170k or $1.7m
  6. I’ve heard it can be done, you need to redrill the holes where they bolt to the chassis and apart from that they are the same. I’ve never done it or know anyone personally that has, it’s just something I’ve heard
  7. Pretty sure we can blame the Americans, we were buying blown up 32s for 8k and complete running 33 vspecs for 14k until they were allowed to have them and parts were plentiful and cheap as chips
  8. I meant to write 50 originally and then double checked the price and found it was ¥12m (125k) and came to edit it and realized I had accidentally added and extra 0 in the first place lol
  9. Yeah do that, it’s only 120kAUD!!! You should have that sitting in the ashtray
  10. At times with how you make everything sound, all I imagine Americans doing when they see a gtr is standing there looking at it and bashing it with a gun like how a caveman would with a club and hoping it fixes itself
  11. Neither, do some more research on what actually works these days and go from there. Or just fit a 6466 with a twin entry rear and manifold and waste gate to suit and twin fuel pumps and 1650 injectors and a clutch and a bunch of other stuff I haven’t listed
  12. I bought one for a 32 and it was junk, found its way into the bin
  13. I used the radium thing, makes the whole parallel assembly a lot more compact compared to any other way of doing it
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