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r32-25t last won the day on December 27

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About r32-25t

  • Birthday 20/10/1982

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    r32 gtr, xr6t ute,
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  1. I’d go the smaller rear just because you’re staying on 98, if e85 I’d go the bigger one
  2. Do you plan on using 98 or e85?
  3. It’s almost the price of an engine build, you won’t have anything to bolt onto it though
  4. Standard GTRs are boring and there plenty of them, do what ever you want to it and just remember nothing about them is cheap anymore and if you’re picky about how you want things done it gets even worse. if it’s an n1 or something very limited then maybe care more about it’s heritage
  5. They have to machine the tunnel with the arp studs in because they change the clearance compared to the factory bolts
  6. Apparently Mitsubishi are involved in this venture as well
  7. Or the cistransgender
  8. I haven’t taken them out of the cases yet inside the box is this packaging which is pretty much like a massive blister pack
  9. Im happy for it as long as it means reanult gets the boot
  10. Yep not a problem I’ll take a photo once I’m home
  11. Basically by the time you buy the manifold, turbo and waste gate then get all the fab work plus an lines for water and oil and add Labour it’ll come to 10-15
  12. I bought the 1/18 scale celica and nsx from Justin and they are very detailed and good quality. I will definitely be interested in others in the series as they come out
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