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Everything posted by r32-25t

  1. Donut tried them out, they were fine as long as the bolt or nut wasn’t very tight
  2. iPhone 14 pro shame it got compressed when i posted it
  3. It’s not driver training though, it’s just an online questionnaire and $65
  4. Bahahahaha had a feeling it was only a matter of time till a turbo was on the radar
  5. There are adaptors that allow you to delete the booster and use an s15 clutch master cylinder. if you want to keep the booster they are still available brand new
  6. Did you get the 230mm version? I’ve got the solid center version and it’s a dream to drive
  7. They do that every year
  8. There’s probably people who’d like to do it and then when it comes to putting their hands in their pockets they’ll all disappear into the shadows
  9. Because people who want that are buying euros. The people with the money to buy the aftermarket heads and blocks aren’t interested in efficiency or making -7 power, they’re making well over 1,000hp and pretty much only drive them at full throttle best way to way make money is know your customer base and what they want and don’t spend money making things they don’t want.
  10. Because that’s not what any of them are building these heads or blocks for. It’s to hold over over 1000hp at the wheels without breaking and none of that stuff is required to make power
  11. Brand was ard. I also threw a brand new battery at it and beefed up the wire from the alternator to battery and added an extra earthing point from the battery
  12. to fix the voltage drop issue I swapped out the old 150amp alternator which turns out is a brand known for having issues and replaced it with the black 180amp alternator beside it
  13. Is it a Prius or a race car? We are here to make power and have fun not drive grandma to bingo
  14. Either way he still need those style of spacer to go into the manifold because the photo he currently has is not going to work
  15. You need the kit turbo taipan has shown you because that manifold ia designed have side feed injectors
  16. Most people building big horse power RB engines remove the squish pads and fit over sized valves the prp head comes without the squish pads out of the box
  17. No I’m just reading shaking my head
  18. Approx 1m long, chrome moly, hardy splicer unis. Didn’t measure the diameter. The shop that built it also builds the shafts for b2r, jem, maatouks, etc and built the shaft to the same specs as their cars that’s are running 7 and 8 second passes!! Which say to me that it can handle some big mph
  19. One of the issues Adam mentioned was the tail shaft center bearing being flogged out, I took the shaft down to be rebuilt after a conversation with the owner of the shop it was decided a whole new shaft was the best way to go. so after taking measurements and waiting a week my new shaft was ready to pick up new and old shafts next to each other, yes the new one piece shaft and was worried about vibration, after driving the car turns out that there is nothing to worry about
  20. I’d be keen on the nsx and maybe the cosmo, the others I have in various brands
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