Quick update, I am the idiot, I did replace all my manifold gaskets, resealed the thermostat and water piping that goes under the Intake Manifold and it was slightly warped, so surfaced that a bit at home then threw it back on.
While doing that, I rechecked all heater hoses and I saw nothing, but after putting it back together, come to find out, the 75degree turned one from the Thermostat Nipple or whatever it’s called to the Heater Core return line had a super super slight tear in it that you wouldn’t even notice.
Luckily, I replace everything with turn hose clamps while it was already off, so I got it off with the intake on and cut the end off an old Heater Core Line that makes about a 70/75 turn and used that since it was apart of the return pipe section and same diameter. Leak done and fixed.