Also i see i have a few PM, i wont open them now as i might be easily forgotten as they will no longer be 'unread' so ill reply to them early next week so hopefully the people that are waiting on replies are cool with that. Thanks for your patience, sorry that i couldnt inform people of having to move as it happened pretty abruptly.
Hey guys sorry about the disappearance act, was moving housing but after moving into the new place with someone that person was informed that her lease wasnt been renewed so we had to move back to my old place. As you could imagine moving houses twice took an epic amount of time. Right now should have my net restored from early next week on. I havent forgotten you guys and i know there were a few people that didnt want to wait so long for mats so ill endevour to return funds early next week as im running on limited net access for net cafes. Sorry again and it was an epic fail to find out almost after moving EVERYTHING to the new house that the lease wasnt going to be renewed. Ill go through all posts and PM etc as of next week and also send funds back to those that want them. From what i know matcraft is still due to restart manufacturing mats as of 1st of March so the people remaining ill put the order through on the 1st.
If the people that opted out due to the long wait make a list ill get in touch for bank account info to transfer funds back. Elias im aware of you and already sent you an email bud.
ps. Wasnt planning on moving out so it jumped out of nowhere. Hopefully people didnt stress out too much from my absence as in the past all groupbuys ive conducted everyone that paid received what they ordered.
Buy the set of 5 and sell the rears? I just dont want you upset that they might be slightly different shades but up to you. Yeah just follow the instructions in the first post when your ready mate.
Well they would be $25-$30 cheaper but for the price difference its nice to have the whole lot brand new. Only thing is if its a track car with 2 seats then pretty pointless in having the rears. Up to you man but now you know
Ok guys slight problem. Dont know why and kind of pissed of that this has happened AGAIN but the manufacturer is getting a new carpet supplier. This is about the 3rd or 4th time and hopefully tomorrow ill know why the need to change again. What this means is that they are only able to start at the beginning of March to make these as they need to await rolls of carpets to be delivered etc. Anyway this leaves us with 2 options which is totally for you guys to decide what you would like me to do. Firstly we could leave this as is right now and just extend the time frame when orders can be taken by an additional month. Otherwise i could close the groupbuy for 3 weeks and then relaunch closer to the when they are going to start manufacturing. Second option is more work for me as i would refund the people wanting a refund + organising this falls into a busier time for me thus i would like to do most of the organizational work whilst i still have the time.
Eitherway i put it to a vote by the people who are involved and you guys can tell me what you would like me to do, it is easier for me to leave it and allow more time for people to order but again thats just my perspective and ill let the majority decide
It is at additional costs, would require a jpeg to be send with your order. Cost might have gone up but it was $35 from the last time it was done.
Do you mean you want a front pair only or are you implying that all you get is a front pair?
Yep got your eamil. Done
Your wish is my command
All i can recommend is you print out the colour swatch with a hi resolution printer and then lay it on your carpet to compare. Personally i would go for black as ive seen it come up pretty damn nice on non-black carpet. It looks good with the contrast