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Everything posted by hungryGTR

  1. doz- it could be done however they would need more people that wanted the same and then it will also cost slightly extra. If you can gather up some people you know or mates that want the same thing then yeah they can do it but as a once off they cant as it goesnt make financial sense for them with the amount of profit they are making versus the time it take to produce a once off. Cheers -Dave-
  2. Yeah still going on mate, for the whole next 2.5 months. Hey mate plug your make and model in at www.matcraft.com.au, if it comes up with your car then yes i can include you, if however you dont find it there than that means they will need someones original mats to make templates and then they can offer them for sale.
  3. ^^^^ No worries mate Just two things to note for everyone, please read the entire first post. Ive put all info in there and it will take no more than 5mins reading and looking at the pics to find out everything you need to know. This by no means is my job, i work 5 days a week, have a house that im renovating and working out the logistics of my business that im wanting to launch at the end of the year. So im doing 100+hours a week and then this ontop aswell as a few other things. So please make my life easier by not asking my basics questions that can be found in the original post. Im saving everyone heaps so 5 mins is nothing, but for me 5 mins from 100 people is heaps. If people want me to read for them and babysit them im happy to do so but ill increase the price so the time i use i get paid for. Its quite simple, read it all, if there are any equiries then PM me, post here or email me. Laziness will see the price go to $130 for a basic set and $150 for the premium set plus postage on top. Come on guys im doing good by you so please do good by me. Secondly i have had a heap of interested but only 3 people have place and order and paid. If you have the money at present and are interested then please dont wait, your involvement now will help bump up the number of orders and thus i can push for delivery at the end of each month rather than after 3 months and a bit Cheers -Dave-
  4. Like i said mate im happy to do them but im only one person and i cant do all the work and branch out. If your happy to hunt down a set and get back to me about it then im happy to do the logistics with matcraft and order Stagea mats. If we work together (that goes for everyone) it can only benefit more and more people which is exactly why ive offered a lot of models and opened it up to any forums. Its up to you guys to spread the word if your on other forums or think a certain car club (like the Stageas) would be interested. Ive done a lot of logistics about option and price well before this groupbuy was launched, it was exactly 1 month of negotiations to get it all ready. Instead of me signing up to a million forums and monitoring their questions and orders ive set it up so that the link can be cut and pasted on any site and includes all detail, instructions and most importantly a direct link to get in touch with me. I cant stress enough that the likelihood of me doing another order of all makes and models will be quite small so thats why im trying to get everyone in now as i know from past experience that once i close this in a few month there will be people asking for mats. What people need to do is like one guy thats on SAU that posted a link on SilviaWA that helps out others and spreads the word, thats what im after and at the end of the day other people not getting mats doesnt effect me, just those that miss out. So like linking SilviaWA, its gets the word out to people who might not come across this link as they might not browse SAU.
  5. Like i said mate im happy to do them but im only one person and i cant do all the work and branch out. If your happy to hunt down a set and get back to me about it then im happy to do the logistics with matcraft and order Stagea mats. If we work together (that goes for everyone) it can only benefit more and more people which is exactly why ive offered a lot of models and opened it up to any forums. Its up to you guys to spread the word if your on other forums or think a certain car club (like the Stageas) would be interested. Ive done a lot of logistics about option and price well before this groupbuy was launched, it was exactly 1 month of negotiations to get it all ready. Instead of me signing up to a million forums and monitoring their questions and orders ive set it up so that the link can be cut and pasted on any site and includes all detail, instructions and most importantly a direct link to get in touch with me. I cant stress enough that the likelihood of me doing another order of all makes and models will be quite small so thats why im trying to get everyone in now as i know from past experience that once i close this in a few month there will be people asking for mats. What people need to do is like one guy thats on SAU that posted a link on SilviaWA that helps out others and spreads the word, thats what im after and at the end of the day other people not getting mats doesnt effect me, just those that miss out. So like linking SilviaWA, its gets the word out to people who might not come across this link as they might not browse SAU.
  6. Ok so i got an email from them today. The colour of the heelpad is matched to the colour of carpet you choose. So black, beige, grey etc. Now for the Supra writing, there is a problem. They can do it in non scribble writing however they cant justify the amount of extra time that will be necessary for a once off so they are not keen. So unless you can muster up a few more A70 owners then they can only do the scribble Supra writing. I shall ask them and get back to you mate Also for the guy that asked about the rwd vs 4wd skyline question, they will get back to me on Monday as the guy that does all the mat patterns is on holidays at the moment.
  7. No worries mate, ill get onto all outstanding questions on Tuesday as ive been doing double shifts from Thurday till this coming Monday.
  8. Ill ask them for you mate, it might be just that the side of the mat is on a slight slope. I know with my Soarer that the tunnel makes the foot well closed to my left leg because a slope.
  9. What model mate? And you mean that Nismo has two different shaped mats for a GTR and GTST?
  10. Steve-the hellpad (well the ones i got currently) have a black heelpad and im sure all the other guys in previous groupbuys got the same otherwise i would have heard about it. Im not sure but it good be the reflective nature of the material/plastic or whatever they use that makes it look grey in photos. What colour are you after? I think they can only do black but i can ask for you. As for the Supra logo ill ask aswell, i know that they can do the scribble JZA80 Supra writting, what model Supra have you got mate? Ill try and work it out for you :-)
  11. 1. Chris Downland/ Holden WH Statesman/ Black/ writing on all 5 "Statesman" 1 piece rear/ Holden heelpad/ VIC - $130 2. Tom Griffies/ Nissan S14a/ Grafite/ 4 Mats, Silvia writing(s15 style) on fronts/ Nissan heelpad/ Perth - $95 3. Matt Dudley/ Nissan 180sx 1991/ Black/ 2 Front Mats, 180sx written on fronts/ NO heelpad/ Perth -- $100
  12. Just have a read of the initial post and its got everything their, order format, bank details and how to give me your postal details.
  13. All depends on orders mate. First i need to collect details and funds. Then they get made up as they dont start without receiving money. Also as the order has to be sent to me and then sent out to everyone around the country i simply cant transfer money for one mat set and get it sent out. So what will happen is that at the end of each month (pending numbers) ill transfer them the total and the order list and then get them sent out. If there isnt enough then yes after 3 months they get the money and make them. But i plan to transfer them money around 2.5months in for whoevers paid and they have two weeks head start before i close this group buy. Also the only reason they cant send them out from the factory is as ive negotiated the cheapest price possible they dont want to be involved in organising anything as it cost them money. So thats were i come in, i organise everything, mediate requests and queries if i cant answer them from previous experience and then deal with the huge postage delemma. Only then will they allow us to get the cheapest price. Considering they have a healthy market on ebay where the basic set (logos on front mats only) easily go on ebay for around $180-$190 i think thats fair. I mean you get the premium set for $50 less that they normally get for their basic sets, plus thats posted were as their ebay price is $200-$210 posted. So its only fair they keep their involvement to a minimum and just get involved in making them up to our specs. Yep a pair of front mats is possible however it will be $100 posted. As i explained right now im not planning on allowing pick up but its possible ill allow it in the future. Reason is that if i post every single order the day i receive them then im done, however if i allow pickup then i have to contact each and every person thats picking them up that they are ready and keep contacting them until every single set if picked up. Considering im saving people a heap (300zx.com.au sells them for $395.00) i think its fair that im not chasing up a heap of people later on and taking up heaps of my time. Thats what happened with the last groupbuy with the soarercentral.com guys and i had to send out 130+ individual emails to make sure everyone was kept happy. So i ask for the sake of keeping everyone happy that things dont get overly complicated and used up even more of my time. Hope that helps mate, its possible that ill allow pick up later on in which case ill refund people postage costs however im still trying to think up a solution so the worst case senario cant happen. Hope you guys understand
  14. 3 Months ill leave it open so whenever suits you within the time fram is fine.
  15. Alright good news for GTR owners. They can do it, they have asked me which one is preferred out of these two however they reckon the one with 'Skyline' will make the badge look too big on the mats. They reckon just the GTR logo would be sick, and the 'R' will be in red I reckon just GTR looks nice and clean. Which one do you guys reckon? As things stand now they cant do Stagea mats as they dont have their dimensions. If you or anyone have factory mats and are happy to send them to WA so they can take measurements and once finished with them they'll send them back then yes Stagea mats can be made available. Doesnt matter how bad condition of the stock mats are they just need to make templates for 100% perfect fitment. EDIT: GUY PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE FIRST POST, IVE PUT EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW IN THERE AND TO SAVE ME TIME DEALING WITH 100's OF PMs, PLEASE TAKE THE 5mins TO READ IT AND MAKE LIFE EASIER FOR ME. THANKS
  16. 1. Chris Downland/ Holden WH Statesman/ Black/ writing on all 5 "Statesman" 1 piece rear/ Holden heelpad/ VIC - $130
  17. Ok just to clarify a few things up. Firstly and most importantly there are NO minimum orders we need, even if its one person interested i can still place an order for it. This is because i have brought the manufacturer so much business before that now he gives me a flat rate for the mats. The initial groupbuy on soarercentral.com needed 40+ people to get this price but as ive ordered around 100 mats through them they are happy to give me the low price no matter how many orders. And the other thing i struck with them is all these different makes and models as before i was only dealing with Soarer mates. So R34GTFOUR no minimum orders and thats why ive offered people to pay when they have the cash at anytime. Its good that there are no miniumum orders as ive found when getting a list of people interested about 20% normally drop out due to timing or low funds when its time to collect. So this way whenever you have some cash you can pay. As for order numbers we need to have for them to be sent out monthly i reckon 30-40 should do it. But generally i was thinking at the end of each month ill tally up all orders for that month and then see if its viable. So 30-40 will allow for monthly orders to be sent out however I might be able to still do it with slightly less orders, ill see how it goes. Also from the experience of 2 large groupbuys for the Soarers guy ive picked out which material were best from each order and got them to use those suppliers. So the materials will be the cream of the crop for the carpet, backing, stitching etc. and as the mats are normally sweet this will get us super mega awesome mats this time around haha YaskY-still waiting for a reply from the manufacturer performance-wise- ive just shot an email off to them about it. If it turns out that they currently cant make them then if someone sends off their originals they can copy the dimensions and make a template from which they can make new mats. Sillabaa-no worries mate whenever your ready send me payment and then post up all your details using the order format and then shoot me off an email to where you want them sent out to
  18. Haha shit i forgot to ask them about the GTR logo. Ill get back to you guys on that one, in the mean time they will be able to do it aslong as there are enough people wanting it. Hopefully they already do it and can even satisfy just one person if your the only one that want that. Cheers -Dave-
  19. Hi guys well ive done 2 groupbuy of floor mats over on soarercentral.com with great success and seeing as I use to own a GTR I though I might aswell get a great deal for you guys and anyone else who wants new floor mats. The company that makes them is in WA and they can do most makes and models and ive listed most of the popular imports in the list below. If the car you want mats for is not listed please check availability on MATCRAFT.COM.AU as chances are they can do it and ill arrange it to be included in the groupbuy just let me know what you would like. These are custom made and 100% perfect fit to stock dimension so you have a flawless fit (see pics below) If you are interested in getting some nice new mats for your car please read this entire post carefully as it can get very time consuming for me if people do as they please which happened slightly with the Soarer guys. The way I’d like to do this groupbuy is for people to make up their minds once and then proceed to pay. I don’t want to make list and then collect money, so whenever you have the money please place your order then. Also only notify me of changes via the supplied email ([email protected]) if there is a mistake. The last groupbuy there were issues of people changing their orders without making it clear. You have 3 months to make up your mind so make sure you choose whatever options you would like and then once you’re happy with your decision proceed with payment and email me your postage details. Im happy for people to cut and paste all these details or the link to this thread and post it on other forums. I figure there are a fair amount of people on multiple forums so I don’t mind organizing a wide variety of imports, euros and domestic cars. Any other forum members outside of SAU that are interested that see this or someone posts a link on another forum should email me ([email protected]) their order once they have made up their mind along with including postage details and payment at the same time. International forums are fine as well so if you know people or let people know on international forums that’s cool. They will need to email their order along with payment and their postage details. Postage cost for international orders can be found below. Any questions, queries, requests etc don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] [im located in Adelaide so don’t think im in the UK haha] Please always use your allocated number in any emails to make it easier for me to track down you order. • Please use the following order format when placing your order Your Name/ Model and Make/ Colour you want/ whether you want the front mats to have writing on them or all 5 mats or no writing all together (just plain)/ whether you want no heel pad, a plain heel pad or a heel pad with the manufactures logo on it eg Nissan, Toyota etc/ State your getting your order sent to, if international state what country. *Then post this order format with a number in numerical order on SAU or if your not on SAU and another forum just email me your order format to [email protected] with postage details and full payment and ill add you. Options: Colour: Black, Grafite, Grey, Light Grey, Taupe, Gold Beige, Beige Heel pad: No heel pad, plain heel pad, heel pad with manufacturers logo Timeline: Ill let this run for 3 months, then about 2 weeks to make and a week for postage. Depending on the number of orders at the end of each month I might be able to get them send out to people at the end of each month for the 3 months to minimize waiting periods. Cost: 5 mats with writing on the front mats only = $95 OR 5 mats with writing on ALL mats = $105 + POSTAGE AUSTRALIA WIDE = $25 + Postage for international; New Zealand = $79.5 United States = $88.75 United Kingdom = $105.55 List of Makes and Models that should cover the interest of most people on here and other forums, if you’re after mats for a vehicle that isn’t listed look it up on MATCRAFT.COM.AU as they probably can do it and then make a decision if your interested and notify me so I can include you in the groupbuy. Lexus LS400: 1990-2000 Lexus/Toyota Aristo JZS147 Mazda RX7 FC and FD Mitsubishi Galant Legnum Gen 8 VR4 Mitsubishi 3000GT: 1992-1997 Nissan 180sx: 1988- 1993 (not sure but post 1993 might still be the same?) Nissan 200sx S14 and S15: 1994-2000 Nissan 300ZX Z31: 1984-1989 Nissan 300ZX Z32: 1990-1997 Nissan 350Z Z33: 2003-onwards Nissan Skyline R32 and R33: 1989-1998 Nissan Skyline R34: 1999-2002 Subaru Impreza: 2000-2007 Subaru GX, RX, WRX: 1993, 2000 Toyota Cressida MX: 1973-1983, 1985-1993 Toyota Crown MS 123: 1983-1988 Toyota MR2 AW11: 1987-1990 Toyota MR2 SW20: 1990-1999 Toyota MR2 Spyder ZZW20R: 2000-2005 Toyota Soarer: 1991-2000 Toyota Supra: 1993-2000 Toyota Supra MA 70-71: 1986-1993 Writing available for your mats are as follows: ‘Skyline’ – word available ‘Mazda’ – both the Mazda logo and the word available ‘RX7’ – can be put on the mat ‘Nissan’ – word available ‘R32, R33, R34’- NOT available but can be made if there is enough interest ‘180sx’- word available ‘Chaser’ - NOT available but can be made if there is enough interest ‘Supra’- word available ‘Stagea’ - NOT available but can be made if there is enough interest ‘Aristo’ - NOT available but can be made if there is enough interest ‘Legnum’ -VR4 word available ‘200sx’ –word available ‘300zx’ - word available ‘350z’ - word available ‘WRX’- word available ‘Sti’- NOT available but can be made if there is enough interest ‘MR2’ - word available ‘Soarer’ - word available ‘Lexus’ - word available ‘Toyota’ - word available *Holden, Ford, BMW etc all available I just listed most of the imports that I could think of that might be interested. Bank Details are as follows; Account Name: Dawid Grabowicz BSB: 065 106 Account Number: 10252870 Commonwealth Bank NB: Please use your name and allocated number when transferring money, plus email me postage details at the same time to [email protected] So those wanting mats please put your name down with a number once you have made your payment and emailed me your postage details. Colours Available R34 Skyline Mats in Black S15 Silvia Mats in Grey Soarer Mats in Grey Soarer Mats in Black + in car photo Cheers -Dave-
  20. Hey mate are you thinking of selling the rims? How much are you after?
  21. Link to carpoint ad dude, i just want to see the condition of the body but mainly engine bay pics. Let me know mate.
  22. Hey mate say i want 20 units or even a bit more. What price can you do for me for taking such a bulk load. PM me if you like. Also are you able to get games, accessories etc cheaper? Let me know mate.
  23. Is the car currently running as it is? Also more pictures and interior shots. Cheers
  24. Can i get more pics, especially of the interior? Cheers
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