forget my name did you dan?
i guess you just have a link to the warn button for me, so you dont need to remember it.
if you choose to race a cop, whether they start it or not, thats your choice.
if you choose to break the law, whether someone else tells you too or not, thats your choice.
if you choose to do anything illegal, thats your choice.
i fail to see how the police can be held responsible for your actions, if a cop told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?
to whoever said they will brake in front of a tail-gating cop... try it! i can guarantee you'll get fined for braking for no apparent reason.
dan - as much as you may think you know everything, you don't.
not all police are as 'stupid' as you think, some of them even know what stagea's are! *shock horror*
unfortunately, its hard for the police to be everywhere, especially when they don't even have the numbers they need.
almost everyone has their own opinion of them, and likely thinks they can do a better job, but the same people are too gutless to take a day in their shoes.
i've had incidents where i have dealt with unreasonable cops, and then i've had incidents where i've dealt with cops that were great.
BUT that doesnt make police arseholes... how many times have you dealt with a shitty sales assistant, or the checkout chick was grumpy.... does that make all sales assistants arseholes? no.
everybody has a right to their own opinion, but dont only see what you want to see, i know the police will have reamed the guy that rear ended me, even though i was the one in the import, and he was a commodore driver.