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The Skyline Guy

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Everything posted by The Skyline Guy

  1. How do I know if the calibrations are different or not? The old sensor must have been connected
  2. Is there a way to code the sensor from my computer? What will I need to do
  3. Ok, I had no idea I should change out the iat sensor at all... nor did my tuner mention it. So I should go for the Hella sensor https://www.autodoc.co.no/hella/937856 if I use the oem location? is there any adapters from oem to the hella sensor so i dont have to cut any wires? Can I "tune" in the new sensor myself or should I let my tuner do it?
  4. I have researched a bit and came across a this "FAE 33166" https://www.autodoc.co.no/fae/2495306?gshp=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4uCcBhDdARIsAH5jyUkvDlPnJalva3nLNelUOFAsjmuzf8U95mQYbH0MUL_tlMm2kDCc6XkaAmHQEALw_wcB Will this fit in the original location without modification and is it plug and play or do i have to re-tune the car with this new sensor?
  5. Why do you say that I cant use it when its been fine this whole summer on my new map with link ecu?
  6. I got a link ecu and got the following codes: 49 "An T3 at 5" and 66 "ITA at ground" Does anyone know what this means?
  7. Does anybody have a z-tune or nismo front bumper for r34 gtr that want to sell, or where I should buy one? Ive looked at rhdjapan but the shipping prices are insane...
  8. I have tried searching for a new set of press in bushings for the front transverse link because they have tears in them. I cant seem to find any bushings for the r34 gtr and now i am wondering if I need to buy the whole link/arm on both sides? Are these bushings not ment to be pressed in and out or something?
  9. Is there any way to get the oem gtr seats to sit a little lower while still having the luxury of moving them back and forth? I would also like to get the oem steering wheel a little closer while it sill looking like oem.. any tips here?
  10. Another question I got is about engine oil. What do you think of Shell Helix Ultra 10w60 compared to Castrol Supercar 10w60? I can get the Shell oil for half the price of the Castrol oil.
  11. RON 98 is what we got here and the car has been using it for 5 years now.
  12. Im not the most experienced, thats why I ask you guys. I somehow thought that the ecu knew how much fuel it needed and could regulate the flow... Anyway it started right back up once I put the stock injectors back in. Looks like ive got a IMPUL ECU in my car "HI-POWER CONTROL UNIT 34GTR 4 6 8" can I just use this ECU for when I get a dyno tune with the upgraded turbos, fuel pump and injectors? Can someone tell me what I need and why?
  13. I just installed some Bosch 870cc injectors and now it wont start.. Will there now be a problem that it dumps too much fuel in the engine after installing bigger injectors or should it be plug and play? I thought I could at least start the car and drive it slowly to get a tune but guess not? Do I have to put my old injectors back in and install the 870cc when im at the tuner?
  14. So I just got a email from the company that i ordered -7 turbos from saying that the -7s are on back order... Are the -9 turbos the same direct bolt on with the same oil and water feed and drain as original turbos as well, just like the -7? Are they just as good on response and power as the -7?
  15. So if im going for the AEM 320lph in-tank fuel pump, ill need something like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/182362092675?hash=item2a75a0b483:g:2yIAAOSwux5YM8ES to wire from the power for the fuel pump to the battery?
  16. I just need a fuel pump that can handle 500+ hp without having to do anything but switching the old one out with a new one if that is possible? is this one any good? https://www.speeding.no/p/drivstoff-system-an-koblinger/drivstoff-system/drivstoff-pumper/deatschwerks-in-tank-pump-dw400-lhr.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA7dKMBhBCEiwAO_crFIf0b0Hr0_X7b1f0Qeqx9h-2VscY0B2EjC82yEIarcz1nHL2BIBsERoC8d8QAvD_BwE
  17. Youre right, how about this one? https://rawbrokerage.com/products/garrett-gt2860r-7-turbocharger?variant=15094350938185
  18. Just to be sure before I buy, can someone verify that this is the right -7 that I need: https://www.ebay.com/itm/303055603645 Will 340lph fuel pump work for 500+ crank hp, like this AEM one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/323980413969?epid=1217828034&hash=item4b6ebccc11:g:mH4AAOSwnxxdzcru Will this just mount right in the tank or do I need some different hoses, connections ect?
  19. So the -7 is the same as the original r34 gtr turbos just with bigger upgraded turbine wheels and ball bearing? Does that mean I can re-use the oil and water lines/hoses and banjo bolts?
  20. I hear some of you say its a no brainer going single turbo but my reason for upgrading the twins is because its cheaper, easier to do (?) and because it looks stock and therefore I wont have any problems at the MOT wich is very strict here. On the other hand it would probably be better going single because of better power, sound and less problems overall with heat ect.. If I were to go single, what is the best turbo kit for r34 gtr out there?
  21. So all I need is a set of GT2860R-7 or -9 turbos and a gasket set and im good to go, or do I need oil drain adapter as mentioned by Duncan? Do I need water and oil lines as well? Maybe someone can tell me all that I need? What is the difference in -7 and -9, which is best? Looks like its hard to get -9? Is this the right turbo?: https://www.ebay.com/itm/303055603645 Thanks so much for helping me here, im a newbie and want to learn all that I can.
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