Hey folks, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I just bought a 33 GTR about a week ago. Fairly basic car (mods are PFC, exhaust, boost, front mount). I filled up as soon as I bought it and was driving it around for a few days and everything was good.
I then filled up again a couple of days later and after I got in the car there was a strong petrol smell the whole way home. I thought I might have stepped in petrol or something so I chose to ignore it. Next day, jumped in and it didn't smell that bad. Went for a drive and the smell disappeared. Then, all of the sudden the smell came back and it was strong! I checked the engine bay, no leaks. I checked under the car, no leaks. I took the boot apart to see if there was petrol or anything at all, no leaks. I'm stumped! I read up online that it could be the seals on the fuel pump but wouldn't that mean that the smell would be constant?
Any advise on where to start would be greatly appreciated.