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Everything posted by Sarumatix

  1. When you crash, try and spin it so that the rear of the car hits the pole. That way you wont waste all those precious front panels.
  2. fantastic video thanks for the link. There did seem to be some troubles with the porches as they didn't seem to be as aggressive in the corners as previous racers. Someone made a comment that the driver of the GT3 was complaining of understeer and poor tyres? It is truely amazing to see a car in the price range of the GTR putting up such a strong fight against lambo's best. This to me brings back memories of the R32 more so than anything else about the car! It's great for god to be back.
  3. hehe at the comment about this thread being somewhat "wasteland" like. I thought this was the definition of that sort of thread? nothing to see here
  4. yes it will look stupid to only have the rears done. You will typically have to get them imported if you are talking about fiberglass (unless you don't mind cheap copies). Have you considered just rolling them? I have had it done by a forum member here and have had no complaints (although you will almost certainly need a respray of that area after it is done).
  5. Funny after 6 years off the courts, this aussie open has really inspired me to get back into it. Sau tennis day much?
  6. Paint is not a particularly good or bad conductor so it wont make much difference really. You'd have to set up some experiments to confirm that. That said if all you care about is performance, painting it black really can only hamper the flow and heat exchanging. Up to you whether that is as important as the aesthetic or 'stealth' factor.
  7. well i'm tipping it will do better than the z06.
  8. are you trying to say that nissan engineers selected exactly the right balance of cost and performance for you tastes? have you modified anything on your car at all? if the answer is yes, you are being somewhat hipocritical? The answer is that obviously a lot of things we do to our cars, are because we aren't using them exactly as nissan had intended (the stock product). I have a large well known brand radiator, with a 16inch fan on my GTR. I haven't had water temp problems, although I took it very easy on the track. I would therefore not be 100% in recommending it to others. What I will mention however, is that as far as I can tell, when at speed the engine doesn't really need a fan. Unless you are 100% on throttle for relatively large stretches (track) or if you are stationary the great majority of your driving (traffic), of which I frequent neither .
  9. 407 record? you living in the past dude, current record is 412 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSC_Ultimate_Aero_TT
  10. running RWD? intrigueing
  11. Watched it today, not a bad episode.. they seemed to like it a lot . Was interesting to see how much faster the new WRX sti (2l though) is than the old one, and how much not faster the new evo is compared to the old one heh.
  12. About the noise.. Firstly I agree that it's ridiculous how loud some bikes (and trucks) are... but you might want to consider the type of sound that is produced. I have a GTR with a fairly expensive exhaust which most would say is very quiet indeed, however the sound is a very low frequency which during the day can barely heard, during the night is an obnoxious drone for those trying to sleep. Coupled with the fact that I usually leave my timer on for awhile when I get home, or let the car warm up a bit before I leave, tends to get up the nose of my GFs dad. I have pointed out that his historic Vauxhall is far louder than my car, but it's all about when and where.. and that is a fair point. There isn't very much I can do about it, so I just try to be as courteous as I can about it.
  13. I have had exactly this problem.. the culprit.. the power regulator to the cold start. I took it to racepace and they spent quite a long time finding it (but find it they definitely did). I assumed it was the cold start itself, so we replaced that first, but the same symptoms appeared after a short time. It wasn't until the power regulator was replaced (which from what I gather is in a very annoying place), sorry I can't be more specific than this.
  14. Mazda design is probably the best out of the jap car manufactures.. I wouldn't be surprised if something similar that did make it to production. Especially given their success lately regarding the 3 and 6.
  15. 204awkw with similar mods and a ridiculously bad lambda
  16. Seats sound kinda interesting.. any piccies? PM with what cha got .
  17. Wow 4 door lights on a 2 door, definately not something you see everyday .
  18. My GFs father is doing up a loverly Valiant. He got a bunch of irish to do the windscreen, and all I will say is he was not happy.
  19. Sarumatix

    Happy Bday Tx5!

    Happy birthday Scott .
  20. What you are forgetting, is that all car development comes in different ways. I mean once upon a time people excited over triple webbers etc. The new GTR has multiple suspension settings (hard vs soft, snow vs tarmac etc), AYC (forget nissans name) control etc. Sure there are other cars with this, but not at the "supercar" level AFAIK. Probably the more important thing is weight distribution, the R32 had terrible balance, the R35 from what I understand is pretty close to or is perfect. This is probably the reason why even with 1700Kg it's mixing it with the best.
  21. nice avatar by the way. hmm 100 dollars from kennards. Thanks for the info.
  22. I want to move a corolla (KE30 ), where would be a good place to hire a car trailer from?
  23. You are thinking of the bluebird I think .
  24. wow cheers man, nice picture of my car there! Do you have a bigger version?
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