The moustache, these days not so cool unless you’re a Vermont State Trooper or an 80’s test cricketer but always a laugh and what better time to put down the razor than MOVEMBER!
Movember (the month formally known as November) is a charity event held during November each year.
At the start of Movember guys register with a clean shaven face. The Movember participants known as Mo Bros then have the remainder of the month to grow and groom their moustache and along the way raise as much money and awareness about male health issues as possible.
Movember culminates at the end of the month at the gala parties. These glamorous and groomed events will see Tom Selleck and David Boon look-a-likes battle it out on the catwalk for their chance to take home the prestigious Man of Movember title.
Whilst growing a mo' is left to the guys, Mo Sistas (ladies that support their guys or love mo's!) form an important part of Movember with their powerful feminine touch, by recruiting Mo Bros, helping to raise funds and attending the highly anticipated Gala Parties.
But its not all fun and games, so why the extreme behaviour?
Which ever way we look at it, men are far less healthy than women. The average life expectancy for men is 6 years less than females.
Below if a photo of a good friend of mine Adz-Chop taken the beginning of last years Movember, if he can grow a tash any one can
For more information, games and photo's etc please Click here or why not join the team! Register for "Team Mo-agnum"
It's pretty simple to join, simply head to -
Details you'll need to sign up are -
REGO - 9601
E-MAIL - Adz(at)
then click "join a team", fill out your details then on the following page enter the team name "Team mo-agnum"
If you have any worries let me know. The sponsor booklets are downloadabe PDF's and all the info you need is shown on the web site.
Make sure you select to attent the end of month party too, it'll be a blast!
Team Mo-agnum members -
Bass Junky
Freedy Kruger
Starion Turbo
R32Big boy