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Everything posted by adznight

  1. Try as we might, you just dont seem to understand the difference, is it any wonder I'm getting frustrated? WE are held liable. That mean WE go to jail if you do bad on cruise, I CAN NOT make it any more simple than that. OK look, as stated earlier and via PM, before the club was formed, who planned the cruises? Where are they now? And last, what is stopping non members (for example you) from panning cruses here as they used to on the open forums? NOTHING! Nothing has changed here, if you want to cruise, post it. Only difference? Your not paying $50 and you don't have CAMS coverage and public liability, for you thats not an issue as you are not a registeredoffical entity. Why dont you answer those questions for the rest of us? And just as a point I never claimed to be any "leader of the club". Just as a matter of fact I have not taken personal stabs at you for everyone to see but you insist that I must not after your last comments? Sounds like double standards. To save everyone elses eyes I will not be posting in this thread again.
  2. What a constructive, intelligent and incisive post but as I stated at the start of this conversation I would of been more than happy to answer all your concerns via PM. Thankyou.
  3. Look I'm throgh being civil, if you have an issue, go make your own cruises, go plan your own events. You are not an SAU Vic member so it's not your concern. I am NOT answering any more of your questions. If you want to make it hard for the rest of the members and us who are planning this cruise then do so!
  4. OK I've got it........give them to me
  5. Hey one more thing before I forget, you might like this one These are pretty cool! Check them out at - http://www.defi-shop.com/product/din/din_top.html
  6. Hey ant, that pic is exactly what I mean, although they do have some other designs available. Have you seen them. They sit a little further back on the dash than that one.
  7. As stated above, CAMS is not just about racing cars it's about public liability. We are not trying to rip anyone off, we are just members like you guys who put in some extra time and effort. There is a high chance I wont use CAMS again but I'll still pay my $50. We have talked about this all before and there was no way to get around it. One more thing I will point out is that not ALL of your $50 go's towards CAMS, infact under $10 of your membership is put towards it (calculated on 109 members). Is it really worth having say a $39 membership as apposed to a $50. That's $11 difference and in my opinion is not goign to break the bank, hell I'd spend that in beer in one weekend. Where does the rest of the money go? Some stays in the club account for events the rest is Lanyards, T-Shirts, Government fee's, BBQ's, Drinks, Stickers etc. etc. Our bank ballance and statements are open for all members to view if they wish.
  8. So what your saying is your not willing to pay a $50 fee for a years membership but you wish to cruise with them? If thats the case what would you like to see?
  9. Wasn't snapping, just trying to find out what your point is. Your right there is nothing stopping you from using these forums or driving on public roads. Look I'll make it very simple for you all to understand. SAU Vic is a registered club, we are registered with CAMS, we have a registered business name and we are a registered non profit organization. This is what makes us different to a forum club just cruising as a collective – say the R31 Skyline club or Nissan Silva. When these things happen the rules that govern us change meaning that we as a committee hold a certain degree of responsibility for you as drivers actions. I'm sure you have all heard of duty of care etc and people sued others for stupid things eg. “I was on your cruise and it’s your fault I hit the pole and killed XXXX because you didn’t XXX” Now we all know this sort of stuff happens and you can not deny it regardless if you or any other drive wouldn’t do that. YOUR insurance covers YOU but it doesn't stop us as a committee being sued or taken to court in the event something does happen. Can you understand that? I’m not being snappy just trying to make a point and this guys is the bottom line I’m sorry.
  10. Wasn't snapping, just trying to find out what your point is. Your right there is nothing stopping you from using these forums or driving on public roads. Look I'll make it very simple for you all to understand. SAU Vic is a registered club, we are registered with CAMS, we have a registered business name and we are a registered non profit organization. This is what makes us different to a forum club just cruising as a collective – say the R31 Skyline club or Nissan Silva. When these things happen the rules that govern us change meaning that we as a committee hold a certain degree of responsibility for you as drivers actions. I'm sure you have all heard of duty of care etc and people sued others for stupid things eg. “I was on your cruise and it’s your fault I hit the pole and killed XXXX because you didn’t XXX” Now we all know this sort of stuff happens and you can not deny it regardless if you or any other drive wouldn’t do that. YOUR insurance covers YOU but it doesn't stop us as a committee being sued or taken to court in the event something does happen. Can you understand that? I’m not being snappy just trying to make a point and this guys is the bottom line I’m sorry.
  11. Look whats your point? Do you have some agenda here? You can discuss this via PM if you wish.
  12. I have a list of all cars number plates reg'd to memebrs. If there are cars there that are not members they will be told that they are not permitted to cruise with us, we will be checking this and drivers who are not memebrs will be informed they are not welcome and not part of the cruise. Your right, we are not police and they are public roads but unlisted drivers will not be part of our group and not covered by our public liability. If members insist on bringing or informing other non members of the event (and yes we will find out) this WILL be taken seriously and will jepardise that members membership. This is a VERY serious issue so don't be mistaken
  13. Hi guys, this is just a general message, my own views not the committee's BUT both krzysiu and SKY031 you are very much entitled to your own opinions and they do count as part of SAU (not the be confused with SAU Vic) but neither of you are SAU Vic members so I can understand if this may be an issue for you? Snowy is right in that if someone does plant a car round a pole, into a house or kills someone that he would be held accountable not YOU. Before the formation of SAU Vic there were still cruses for all members to attend nut even I have noticed that there are VERY little, on the SAU Vic side of things this is being addressed with the addition of new planning members but why is it there is no OPEN events in the Vic section?? Could it be because that no one is willing to put the time in to plan them? Could it be that forum members (once again not to be confused with SAU Vic members) would prefer to have someone else plan their cruises? I’m really not sure what do you guys think? I’d like to see more cruises in the open section and everyone here has the ability to plan and post them in the Vic open section
  14. Hey have you looked at the little gauge mounts like in the 34's. They can hold 3 or so gauges and sit up on the dash like the 34's?
  15. Hmmm, a wreckers huh. Business section you go or a bad rep and banning is sure to follow.....
  16. I have a single din thingy but it's the type you can store stuff in. Is that the wrong type?
  17. Yeah spot on Ni, I saw a 33 GTR today with a VERY low mounted boost gauge on the pillar, was an older chap so i figured it would be done right. No worries Ant
  18. Yeah it's strange, I can't find it anywhere. I know what it looked like, was a pic of a cluster and dash and had a circle round it showing where gauges can be mounted. You will have to call them I'd say. I do remember it said you CAN NOT put them on the pillar, on the passengers side dash, ontop of the passenger dash. It said they were ok on the edge of the drivers side and also on the top of the steering wheel (which I think is silly, how do you see the gauges). The general rule is if you can hit it when you crash or if it's blocking your view = Bad. Maybe even do a search on gauges?
  19. OK, look it really gets up my nose. I'm posting this here because as an indiviual I do understand the concerns of club members. I can see from thier point that for the $50 they have paid that they have not received all that much and I do agree. What people dont see is all the time we spend whilst we are working our day to day jobs and after hours. Who ever thinks setting up a club is a simple task should think again, I've got letters from the Department of Justice, the government etc. It's one hell of a big job. Of course things are going to start of small and slowly but there has been progress made and I feel things will only get better with the sponsorship as this offers you disscounts etc and also puts more funds into the bank. Just out of interest do you guys have any idea how much CAMS charge us to be affiliated? It's a fair bit let me say that! But there is also a lot of work to be done in the events side too, we need locations, ways to get there, people to do the run and check it etc and there are only so many ideas to come up with. Thats why so much input is aksed for and out of 109 members most of the time you can count the response on one hand. You might wonder why I take things like this so personaly though hey, well it's because no matter how hard I try it never seems to be good enough, always seem to fall just that one step short. So all I ask is next time before someone takes a dig, how about you approach the committee about the issuepersonevent that your having an issue with and sort it out like adults instead of a child. The best resolution for conflict is discussion and I'm sure that 99% of issues that usersmembers have could be sorted with very little fuss. As an member not a committee member I am more than willing to help anyone with any issues as I'm sure a lot of you know so as stared if there is a problem PLEASE LET SOMEONE KNOW. Also there was a VERY good point made by RTFGTR, I remember when there was no club, just a bunch of people with cars cruising and I didn't know anyone at all. For the first couple of meets I came and stood alone not knowing anyone and it wasn't untill I introduced myself that I made some great friends so I do think a little more could be done there and I will look into that myself BUT it doesn't hurt to come up and say hi on your own
  20. Just found somethign interesting about fog lights, there is no rules regarding WHEN they can be used, interesting.
  21. What a fu(ken joke. If "ratings" and "post history" are all you care about well yeah why not leave. And as for SAU Vic, it's people like you who sit on the side lines and take shots but don't have the motivation to get of your arse and help that I despise.....
  22. I've got this sumwhere, it's on the Vic Roads Site. It has to be very close to the original gauges within say a 10cm radius of the cluster. I'll try to find it now.
  23. I second the Chaser! Nice cars.
  24. There is a few here that sound similar to my experience the other night. I was stopped at the lights at the top of Wheelers Hill and a full VS Commonwhore with P's pulls up next to me. Anyhow I'm sitting there chatting to the Mrs when I hear a "Thats fu(ken weak" come from the guy in the back seat right before he sinks down in heis seat to hide from me" I was pretty calm, just said "Thats cheap coming from a drunk backseat driver of a Commonwore huh!" His mate in the front just shook his head with embarrassment as I putted off. I don't understand what it was all about still.........
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