Well, we don't quite live in Germany though I wish I did at this time of year but the next best thing I can find is...
More info can be found here - www.melbourneoktoberfest.com.au
Looks like it should be a top event so I'm gonna head down and check it out but I can't drink copious amounts of beer from 1ltr steins without some support so who's keen to come lend a hand to...
"SAU - Team Oktobefest 2007"
It's on -
Saturday 27th of October
12pm - 11pm
I'll be heading down on the Sat 27th @ 12:30pm.
Tickets can be purchased from "Ticketmaster - CLICK HERE" Better get in quick if your keen to come.
I'll keep a list here of who's keen/has tickets and I hope to see some of you there!
Have tickets -
Adz + Dee
Bec +1
Daz + Lisa
Might go but "Das Boot" scares me -
Hey guys, sorry I couldn't make it. Cats winning = me drinking a LOT of beer and not wanting to wake up
Looks like a great turnout and a top cruise! Nice work
ROFL! Billabong! That's SO funny
Go go Timezone lock in!! I remember when Timezone used to be across from the Cinemas and it was TINY! Simpson's arcade game was new and FTW!
There is 11ty Billion threads on this subject, please try using the search function, I'm sure you'll find what you need
"Click here" for results! ZOMG! :sorcerer:
krzysiu - Pretty sure Gates are cheaper, that's why I used one
Man you should see the job Troy (YLWGTR) did on his own helmet, it's MAD! I'm sure he'll see this thread and post a pic of his handy work.
Dunno if he'd do same for other though as it was a real ball ache.
Ppppft, I'd kill ages burger in about 5 mins if that, that Captain America's burger, that's a world of pain, my chest if hurting thinking about it now....no really!
OK guys, can I get a show of hands who's up for this? I'll organize a night down there for us, anyone welcome.
I'll post a thread and sort it if there is enough interest