Geoff - I agree to a certain point but I think fat too many people are using the old "the speed cameras are faulty" routine these days. I don't disagree some are but in most cases I'm sure fines are issued are legitimate, I know all mine have been.
Ruffels - Yeah I've was 18 once, fancy that! I had my P's and I lost my license for what I might call "petty offenses" but shit hey, at the end of the day I had to suck it up as I'm sure the majority of people do.
I'm not out to be a bastard and rub it into Mulkers, I feel for him as I've been in the same spot. I agree that 5 mins is pretty tight and they should have perhaps issues a warning, even better, put in those bloody flashing LED signs as said before.
What does piss me off how drivers will break the law then try to pass the buck instead of being a man and taking the blame. In the majority of threads here that's always the case "how can I get out of this fine".
What do all don't seem to get is if you are CAREFUL and keep some wit about you, be cautious etc I'm sure that these type of fines can be avoided. I'm no angel, I've had fines in the past 12 months and all could have been avoided if I was a bit more cautious.
Don't try and make out like driving on todays roads it like going to war. It's not that difficult, if you can't stick the the rules or look at a speedo while moving perhaps you should consider handing your license in?