Well Brisby I'm glad you asked...
Elephant pours well with a nice large head that dissipates quickly, but leaves decent lace on the glass. It has a very crisp, very pale yellow that is true to any premium lager. Smell is more European than malt liquor, which should make sense as this is inherently a European lager. It has a grainy taste and a slight alcohol bite, hard to tell this has considerably more alcohol than other Euro lagers, but on par with most "high gravity" malt liquors with regards to density.
It is taste where this beer departs from the nomenclature of "malt liquor" and into the Euro Strong Lager category. Most malt liquors are very sweet, malty, and quite round. This beer really hits home with its similarity with traditional Euro lagers. Granted, there is MUCH more malt to this beer, but it is complemented with a nice citrus twinge of hops to balance it out. Mouthfeel is also good, more along with a malt liquor's fullness, but drinkability is much better when thinking about the taste and smell.
This is one beer that will get you drunk, but won't leave you with as bad a taste in your mouth as with a crappy malt liquor. I'm sure you know that thogh Bris