Hey all, Adz reporting in. Has been a HUGE week, took a big ford truck limo round the island yesterday to check out the sites and went swimming at north shore (pipeline). Was able to take been in the limo so was a big day. BTW - beer here is awesome, Asahi, Sapporo, Kirin and all the other good stuff too. Had some HUGE, HUGE, HUGE nights and some very sore mornings/arvo's too. I said I was goign to show Americans how to drink and I feel my mission is complete. We even got on the Wang Bangers at our local Irish bar
We are heading on a hummer tour tomorrow to check out all the movie locations, Jurassic Park, Godzila etc so that should be ace. Tonight is going to be another HUGE night, it's out last big one on this island so it's gonna go out with a bang. My post drunks later if I can see the keyboard. Anyhow take it easy guys/girls and speak sonn!