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Everything posted by Viper_r32

  1. hi and welcome, its good to know the theirs chick's out there with good tastes in cars!
  2. yeh i saw my mate lats night and he was telling me he vs you lastnight. i was a hoyts last night to see batman (not bat at all) , an disided to play alittle initial-d and as i was playing he showed up and told me all the goss, we both might be at woden to night if your intrested. im not a big fan of intergras ither but he also has a finnished wrx as well, by the way your skyline is it r32gtr r34gtr or r34gtt
  3. i dont mind making copy's for people just as long as you give me some cash for disk's $10 sound fair as it dose take abit of time to copy. SKYLVIA can have them for free because i know he is a true initial-D fan. the first three series are dvd's that you can wach in your home dvd player. and forth stage are all xvid files. the last two episodes of forth stage have not yet been released, and are due on the 16th of july. please note: all episodes are in original japanse format with inglish sub tittles. stage 2 and the third stage movie are in 5.1 dolby digital
  4. last friday night i promised to give somone some initial-d dvd's for give me for forgeting your name (i suck at rembering name's) ive got them ready for you but my cluch in my line'r whent on sunday and iv'e got now way to get them to you! i could arange to get them posted to you just let me know what you would like me to do, thanks!
  5. whouldn't whant to race him, he'd blast of bast me taking the whole shot take it to the red line and shift (ejects top secret blinding smoke) and before i could work out which way is the finish line nik whould be past it. sounds cool to me!
  6. if you guy's think it's all good then it's all good. it's just ive seen black smoke out of lots of cars before and this was more smoke than i have ever seen! the clowd was the size of his car (no bulls#@*)
  7. looks like im not heading to wake field tomorow guy's as just after getting my car fixed on friday, this afternoon would you belive it my cluch whent!. any one know a good place to go for a good cluch. looks like its going to take me about a mounth to get the cash together though.
  8. i realy injoyed my self thank's guys for a great night. cant whait for next friday and am looking forward to getting to know you guy's better. once he put the foot down all i saw was black smoke. ( where's the road!, where am I!) nik i think you should have your valve seals checked, normaly happens on engines that have done a few k's. only hapens at hish rev's, the oil sneaks past the valve stems and gets blown straight out the exauhst. sould coast to much to fix?
  9. thanks for your help guy's. my problem was a combination of a faulty coil and a faulty ingnitor. but its all fixed now and I'm ready to do some crusin.
  10. id go on the track but i just spent $700 getting my car fixed and cant afford it, but i will be down to watch
  11. my car is fixed and running like a dream! and it's even running better than the day i bought it. after all the diagnostics and test's we finaly found the couse of the problem well TWO actualy, 1st was a falty ignitor wich at first after we changed it didnt seam to make any differance, but it was a combonation of this and an intermitant fauly COIL. so after $700 and another 2 days in the shop my ride is back crusing the roads of canbber. thanks to every one who offerd help and advice, I realy apriciate it so if any one is going crusing tonight ill see yee you there!
  12. ill be there if my cars fixed in time
  13. well im still having probs at least i know its not the AFR, the coil packs, the ignitor, the plugs or the fuel filter. so some one at just jap said to try the cam angle sensor, so the cars booked in agen this week at integra. Ed said he wouldent chage me if i was still having problems after changing the igntor. but i did notice integra dont seam to have an ECU diagnostic machine? thought that was a bit weard
  14. spotted an white r33 last night, had been pulled over by an unmarked cop car, same way i got done! wonder if he was doing the speed's i was though
  15. not to disagree with you, but one of my mate's bout some wheels there about a year ago and when he whent to pick up the car the rear wheels had no center caps, he was told they didn't have them in stock and would have to order them, then two mounths latter after contiualy hounding them they said they dont make them any more so he got stuck with rear wheels that looked s@#*! and is still trying to sell them, so he's never going back!
  16. would the power FC suit an RB20DET or not?
  17. spotted a blue 32 gtr and a silver 33 gtr both going in to fyshwick this morning about 8:30
  18. Happy Birthday Skyline_babe5
  19. yeh that strolla was nuts he lost it on neary every corner, i thingk he needs to cange his suspention . i got most of the day filmed on my cammera, but i thought the day would be a better than it was
  20. no i couldn't get my car up there because of the engine trouble im having. but if i can get it fixed soon i will be putting it on the trak on the queens birthday 13th june if anyone is interested just sign up at j racing or fast and the furious in fyshwick, same price $150 plus $10 if you whant a pasanger. you can drift or try and beat your own lap times around the track.
  21. by the way supafly was it your car i saw parked at wakefield on saterday
  22. yes i have a pod filter but forgive me what is AFM dose it stand for ---- fuel management?
  23. spotted a black r32 gtst with skylines australia sticker on front bumper at wake field on saterday ( i know who's car this is but im sorry i forgot your name
  24. thanks guys got my car booked in for thursday at intergar we'll see how she go's
  25. Hey guy's and girls Having a few probs with my ride and was wondering if any of you had some advice. I’m having a problem with my engine but i can’t seam to find the cause of it. If i drive the car for a bout 15 min she's fine or if I take it out on a cold night I can drive her for hours with not problems at all. but if I drive it during the day for any more than about 15min the idle of the rpms drop and it sound's like two cylinders have bummed out, the tone of the exhaust changes and the engine losses all its power. At first I thought it may have been something simple like spark plugs or fuel filter so I had them replaced with no success. I thought the engine might have been running rich, but if so when I pulled the old spark plugs out they shout have been black but they weren’t really black at all and still looked new. I want to take it some were to be looked at but don’t know who to trust. Evo look like the dodgiest guy's I’ve ever met and wouldn’t trust em as far as I could throw em, and fast and the furious don’t look that reputable ether. I live in narabahnda so if anyone knows what the prob is or can direct me to someone that could help would be much appreciated Thanks
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