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Everything posted by Viper_r32

  1. Hey guys I’m having a lot of problems with my car battery, its relatively new but my car security system keeps sucking the life out of it. If I don’t give my ride a run for two to three days the battery will go completely flat. I just wanted to know what type and size batteries every ones running as I don’t even know what the slandered size battery for the r32 GTS-T is. I’m currently running a 380cca Supercharge Gold I just don’t what to put in something to big as the last thing I want is to start having starter motor problems (also I have alternator and its charging fine)
  2. High Performance Imports Magazine did an article on this fule, aparently yor ecu has to be retuned to run it propely or it creates engine probs, including pinging, and fouling. they also said you cannot ran it on stock ecu's
  3. thats my gray r32........
  4. hey guy's just thought i would let everyone know that the new Ignition DVD is out, and some of our rides are in it (well for a few split seconds anyway) from the night at the Brand Depot. theres pieices of footage of when we drove into the parking lot as a line of skylines. check it out
  5. frigin sick movie!!! i have it on DVD
  6. Dude, it completely sucks. I had a similar runaround with the police when my skyline was broken into. The truth is that they don’t care and don’t want to know about it. so much of all that CSI crap. There could be finger prints all over the car, from people who most likely have a criminal record. But they don’t want to know about it. Any way good luck with getting a window. You could try www.justjap.com (02) 9545 0532 They have a lot of second hand stuff mainly skylines though And there’s also jhen auto imports who specialize in spare parts and half cuts (07) 5593 556 I’ll see if I can find some more for you there are quite a few adverts through all my HPI magazines
  7. sorry guy's iv'e been called into work this weekend and i cant ge out of it, so i've taken my name off the list. any ways hope you all have a great time. and a great christmas Shell & Damo & Mel Veilside R33 (Andrew) tridentt150v Chintami (Rachel) & Michael Grant W Bluprint Baconer Snooze Frink R3sp3ct SL33KY (Emily) leech_ & Fi skyline_babe5 (Cassi) & Amaru & Aurora Slither(shawn) ANDREW!!! (skyGTRline) MANG (simon) YAF28F(Michael) 90% can go Sauce TeeJay1600 MIVEC(Peter) Turismo & Dj On Ice and maybe missus, but prob not RB20tR32 + another R32 Terminal nsanity (Geoff) & Charmaine more than likely - i'll put it in my calendar! Ib6ub9 (phil) Bullet32 (Mick) & gf Sinista (sorry hun but i did say id drag you along!) TiTAN (Maybe) Whytry
  8. I spotted a black r32 gtst in civic to day had GTR rims and a P-plate hanging down off the rear bumper
  9. I remember reading about that on the forms a wile ago, man it sucks. I’m still trying to replace all my gear. It’s like you said it takes forever to save up for the good stuff. As I don’t like to by the cheap gear either. Then add that on top of every thing else that needs to be done, engine mods, gauges ect…….. I need a better paying job!
  10. it could be, but i think mine were stolen when i was parked at the CIT car park. thats twice i've had stuff stollen from that carpark. first all my audio gear. will it ever end..........
  11. LOL...shure do
  12. that was me. is my suspention it so stiff it keeps knocking the bulb slightly out the socket. so i have to keep poping it back in all the time, drives me nuts
  13. Shell & Damo & Mel Veilside R33 (Andrew) tridentt150v Chintami (Rachel) & Michael Grant W Bluprint Baconer Snooze Frink R3sp3ct SL33KY (Emily) leech_ & Fi skyline_babe5 (Cassi) & Amaru & Aurora Slither(shawn) ANDREW!!! (skyGTRline) MANG (simon) YAF28F(Michael) 90% can go Sauce TeeJay1600 MIVEC(Peter) Turismo & Dj On Ice and maybe missus, but prob not RB20tR32 + another R32 Terminal nsanity (Geoff) & Charmaine more than likely - i'll put it in my calendar! Ib6ub9 (phil) Bullet32 (Mick) & gf Sinista (sorry hun but i did say id drag you along!) TiTAN (Maybe) Viper_r32
  14. I’m currently in the pre-production stage of a short film that will be entered into a bunch of different film awards next year. So I am currently looking for 2 actors. ·One to play the roll of a police officer ·and the other to play the role of a speeding skyline driver. My car will be being used for the shoot, as well as a white commodore we are doing up as an unmarked police car. Actors must have some form of acting experience and a manual drivers licence. And able to handle a heavy duty clutch, which I’m sure anyone who is on this website can NO P PLATERS, one I cant afford the insurance, two we cannot display them on the cars, and three I probably wouldn’t trust you! So FULL LICENCE ONLY. If anyone is interested please PM me.
  15. Somone stole my Crome RAY's Tyres valvecaps off my rims the other day. i was pissed because i can't get replacements. i know there not realy anything important but thats beside the point.
  16. thats correct!
  17. 2 grand to high flow plus nearly a grand for labour.
  18. ill just get Ed to do mine, it's going to cost me three grand but it will be stell ball bearing and abale to run 20psi or more
  19. but these turbos aren't ball bearing are they?
  20. it was an awsome night. i had heaps of fun and it was great to catch up with those of you i have not seen in ages. hope to do it again soon
  21. i was told they will only pass if they are wellded in
  22. Grow those back!
  23. die hard
  24. LOL, thats a good one
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