Ahhh right right (I’m obviously not a wheel guy)… so yeah I wasn’t thinking about that… so like the curvature of the actual spoked area on the hub is what I need to clear, and the distance from the rear side of the wheel hub, to the hub’s mounting plate area that goes against the brake rotor is going to be the distance needed to clear. Am I correct in that?
and as far as distance from inner wheel diameter, I’ve seen 18” wheels with endless brakes so that circumference should clear just fine depending on the rotor size to accompany.
okay so let’s say the back of the bbs to the rotor is shallow by 5mm or something, could I just get a hub-centric spacer of like 8-10mm to make up the difference and it will work?
sorry for the noob-ness ^_^
my first skyline, and my Supra and other cars in the past the wheel guy just gave me what I needed and I didn’t have any special brake situations or anything to worry about