Hey guyz, thnx for the replies... thought i'd say a few things before everyone else replies again... i don't owe a cent on the car, i don't have no loans and shit, and yes i can drive it... anyone wanna come see then be my guest i will be happy to take ay for a drive. Why is it that everyone seems to think or more so stereotype anyone who is young and has a turbo car that other people would like to own bu can't for various reasons. Its good to hear everyone's point of view however, personally iu lvoe a goo dmedium, good looks, good go and so on. Its just more the cops i am worried about, not that i can't control the power... and i aint saying this being a ****y wanker or anything cos i know anyone can stack whether they want to or not is irellavant, but prevention is a sorta cure for the cause of accidents eh? Respect the car, it respects you... respect others, they respect you... I know i am friggen lucky to own what i have and i aint disputing that, but i aint the kind of person who owns a 'ful sik' skyline who is gonna boost the shit outa it, and run in it into the ground, i am talking more 'realistic' mod's, and mod's i wouldn't do if i couldn't handle it. I would like to see my car be something, something different to the 400,000 other skyline's buzzin round... oi want to be able to have the looks and have the go... so one day i can pull up next to a ferrari and rub it into the fag who is driving it to make them realise that they have wasted 400K on a a car not worth a 1.4 of its pricetag.
I am still stuck however as to whether i should buy my bodykit now or get an AFC and boost controller to get my car running nicely. I am now thinking more towards the performance side of things, as i have seen with mates that a bodykit looks good, but costs twice as much to repair. If i hit a gutter with stock M-spec kit iaint gonna damage an AFC eh? I am also tossing up whether to forget both them ideas and finish off my sound system... but i guess i have to just think a bit harder bout this one... everyone tells me different things and at the moment i seriously considering selling my car for a Supra TT. Ahh well then i have looks and go all in one... stock. Thnx guys, please reply again .